wow thats What im talking bout those are some NICE females bro im still havent been succsefull in cloning tried everything use olivias cloning gel just have no luck when it comes to cloning which i could learn wouldsave time SO KEEp em coming MOre FEMALES!!!!!!!!!!!! so blackmask do they reall...
heee heee ... thats pretty funny !!! ya got a couple my self... one of these pics my dog actually bitt the whole plant off thought it was a total gonner he topped it for me in reality but there was litterally just stalk two shoots protruded ou bout 3weeks late very short plant for its age 2.5...
well im here at work and i jhust got back from my house i went and checked back on the little ladies couple of them are kinda protruding back and others are just completly folded over not cuttin da circulation off just enough i think wilol post pics when i get off work ?????? any whoo would...
well i hope so i dont try to abuse her that much but i am tryin to perfect this tecnique just wanna see other taht have done thid THE OUTCOME and wat to look forward to when i am all doneON THIS
TOP it that wold br your best bet./ i imagine it would nbe okay to do this i know you mioght not want to hARM YOUR BABIES do it its gonna be okay trust bwro.......
thats wicked cool guess im i lil late cant LST but suppercropping is pretty good also ..... just glad that i did them right i HOPE how far along is that lil one LOOKS awsome rael talk........ any body else have some they would like to share with us....?????????
thank for all the imput.......... so how bourt its the morning and she is looking some what de cent and i dont know what i was thinking when doing this guess i need to be a lil more careful,, note for next time.... any one have any pics of your being supercroppeed would LOVE 2 see the...