bought this new 14 gallon ebb flow system i am askin a simple question how maNY TIMES DO I LET MY SYSTEM FLOOD AND DRAIN NOT TO SURE ON HOW TO USE IT...... how do i program my timer to set on and off????? PLEASE RIU members just need some feed back...... oh yea how often do i change out my...
okay so i purchased a flood and drain 14 gallon system that are two buckets sitting on top of each oither. so it fills up the top of growing medium then slowly drains.. MY question is how many times am i suppose to let my timer switch to flood during a whole day i will be filling the top of my...
okay so here i am i recently purchased a 14 gallon resivoir and am kinda new at this medium..ITS a FLOOD AND DRAIN system that i recently got from whole sale kickz...So here is my dilemma i was just wondering how many times that i am suppose to be letting the timer tick to the off and on...
OKAY< sorry.......... So here is my Question. i recently purchase two 15 gallon resivoitrs for EBB FLOW system... I am Inquiring off how i would go about filling the system up with , and what are the time interval of which the system should FLOOD and DRAIN?????I really am ASKING for my fellow...
well mayby i will be more specific i purchased an ebb flow already preassembles with one 15gallon resivoir stacked on top of another 15 gallon meduim the top part fills with water then slowly leaks any ONE have a SIMILAIR system and can desribe trhis al ittle better to me and mayby guide me a...
okay so here is my question to all of you real quick i now have purchased an ebb flow resivoir and am kinda unsure on how to use it and what am i suppose to put in the top bin of my product WHAT are the hours that i should set my timer to fill the resivoir and about how many time a day i should...
bump....... need some HELP felow RIU smoker and GROWERS what do i do just shed some light how these looking FOR MY FIRST GRO... HOW much can i yield with what yall see ..please members holla BACK>>>>>>>>>
yup induce flowering cover it up yo........ 12/12 sdhould start flowering on iuts own though but you can cover with black tarp.........take it of every twelve hours thats a big bitch to have in vegg..... gonna be a massive yielder
you sur bout that ?????? what is the best solution for me notice the aeroponic has two ready two small ones one clone what should i do HOW DOES my GRO LOOK?????????
your gonna LOVE it look at these that i transferred from soil 2 AeRoponiC...NOTICE how i show you insoil @ hydro LOOK AT roots ya have 2 LOOK forward2........:blsmoke::blsmoke:
so here my dilema got three females ready to flower i keep SUPERCROPPIN to maintain there hight.. i got three smaller black jacks still in vegg what should i di JUST induce FLOWERING>???what will the three smaller ones yield ????FIRST GRO let me know what you think