You got some time from what I can see. Your hairs haven't even started to retract yet. They should start to all curl in and change color. You should notice a big overall change in the plants color and appearance. When it gets close to being done.
Looking good though. keep it up your getting closer.
Pot 1 Day 21; Its a boy
Pot 2 Day 20; Its a girl
3 week and they showed. I am stoked I got 1 of each. I will make as many seeds as I can from this. WOOT
Yikes. you be lookin all pro an chit. Dam near looks like ya know what your doin there. Putten my little grow to shame. lol
No for real. I love what you've done with the place. It looks great. Popping the popcorn and pullin up a chair. Cant wait to see the buds come poppin out.
Forget the Fox Farm nutes and go with the General Hydroponics line(use there charts online for your app.). Also get a air pump and air stone for the Aerogarden you will need it.
Looks like it could be heat stress. The Cal/Mag was a very good idea. You should look into some stuff called Silica Blast. its made buy the same people that make the Cal/Mag Plus. It will help the plant get through times when the temps go up. It is suppose to help plants become more resilient to...
Looking good man. I wait till I get all I want before I put to in the fridge. That way it has some time to dry real good. I also put a couple grans of rice in there to help keep it dry.
I am like 5 days behind you on my Blue Streak, and I am starting to lose some of the fan leaves myself...
OK. So you have had a couple days now.You should be a master ball buster by now lol. God I crack myself up. Remember don't fear the balls. The balls are your friend. Embrace the balls. :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D roflmao.
OMG Who is saying they see seed cluster. That's balls man all balls. You got a boy there, and nothing more. From what I can see. You can't smoke that. But you can get pollen for breeding.
Have fun and good luck.