Also if you have a hard time getting something. Send me a PM. I have a friend that runs a hydro store, and I can ship anywhere no prob. I just don't like to use this site to peddle are wares if you know what I mean
If you look at the GH web page you will find the chart that fits your grow(dirt, hydro, what ever). Then just get what it tells you to use. When it tells you to use it and your good to go. You can get the stuff online(ebay, amazon, what ever you like).
Good luck man and good growing. Peace
Dude I think your in for some tough days ahead. Looks like the shorter one is going to get done way before the tall one. You are going to have a bugger of a time getting that out of there when it's done. As a rule. I never run more than 2 plants in a AG. I always start them together, and always...
Very nice. Looks much better than my first harvest, and your plants will do nothing but get better looking from here on out.
I use the sun blaze T24 (2' T5 4bulb light), and I use a 50W UFO and 28W panel light. For side lighting.
I started my final flush yesterday. The tall one should get chopped down in 5 to 7 days. The little bushy one I am guessing 7 to 11 days.
The other Bucket is the cross breeds. The one in the very back right is just a pollen catcher( what ever made it on the hairs when I turned the fans back...
I have to agree with HSA on this one. I am in my last week and doing my final flush right now, and I don't have any fan leaves left on it. I trim all the died stuff off. So I got buds on sticks now. But that's ok just 1 week to go. Then chop chop
Pot 1 -MTF- Day 27; Getting good pollen now
Pot 2 -MTF- Day 26; Started painting today
Pot 3 -STA- Day 03; We have a sprout. Popped up to day and still has the shuck on it
Pot 4 -STA- Day 03; We have a sprout. Popped up today and no shuck on this one
I must say DutchBreed rocks. Will be...
Pot 1 -MTF- Day 25; Balls a poppin. Should get pollen in them in soon
Pot 2 -MTF- Day 24; she looks good starting to get lots of hairs. can't wait to get some pollen on them
Pot 3 -STA- Day 01; First time doing dirt indoors. Both seeds cracked, and will go into the pots tonight. Hope we can...
That looks yummy. Are you using anything to fatten it up? I used bloombastic 2 weeks before the final flush. This is the first time I have used it, and so far I like it.
I can understand the stink. I don't dare let anybody in the condo right now or they will get slapped in the face with the...
Pot 1 Day 25; moved this one inside to start collecting pollen
Pot 2 Day 24; she looks good
I put 2 of the ShortTermAmnesia into the paper towel today.
OK. What I do is count the days on the strains I know. The strains I have grown before. Like my Blue Streak. I know that it will finish in 65 to 70 days. So I know that on day 57 I need to start watching for the signs. Like 50% or more of the hairs have turned orange(not all strains go orange)...