Looking good. So you should be about day 65 now. Getting close WOOT WOOT. Hey you can catch me on my new thread.
SHOW ME YOUR GLASS " I'm in the market for...
Hi Guys,
I'm in the market for something way cool. So if you have a peace that you love and you think it smokes the best. Let me see it and tell what it is that you love about it.
Only rules are no fighting, and no assholes. If your a asshole, and you guys know who you are. Please...
I do hate killing red woods but what does that have to do with how big your plant is :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:lol.
OK I am almost on the floor and I'm crying. This is getting good.
Hell I think I have been high for 2 weeks now. So...
OMG you didn't get my joke AT ALL .lol If you know a lumberjack he can tell him the joke. He will get it and then tell you.LOLLOLLOL. OK now I'm having fun on you. Sorry. I was referring to the BIG PLANT that you took the pik of, and comparing it to a giant red wood tree. The thing is huge.
YIKES. Dude is that a old growth red wood you have in your Kitchen? lol. Like I said every thing from here is going to grow a lot bigger, and fatter. Well I think we can call it official. Your a grower, and not just a grower. But a breeder. You got that one looking really good too. I would rep...
Well the short version of what I do with trim. I dry it, and then I freeze it. When I get a bunch. Like 2 or 3 OZ. I put it in the blender with ice water. After blending I pour it through a Juice strainer. Then I let it sit for a bit. All the good stuff falls to the bottom. I siphon off most of...
Looking good man. Hey do you save your trim and what are you doing with it? I just made my first batch of blender hash. Not to bad but I do need to work on the technique. Now I am working on a oil extractor. As you can see I got a new toy. It's for oil and hash, and it works real nice once you...
If you are useing the liquid nutes that come with it. I think it's the same as the General Hydroponics 3 part keeping it simple line. That is best to use in the AG. Also did you add a air stone to the rez. If not you want to. A Ph of 5.8 give or take .20 or so is a must. If your going to go with...
Sorry man. But I wont have any more piks. The last plant is getting cut down and I didn't have the camera for it.
The good news is. I have my breeding program in place and the Blue Streak is alive and well. I have also added MiniThunderFuck, Purple Jem, and ShortTermAmnesia to the program. I...
Merry Xmass. I use to live in MI.
I love it when a harvest day falls on Xmass lol
I got 1 hangen and 2 in the bucket that could finish any time now. Really good looking crop this time around. Lots of cross seeds in this batch. Life is good. Plus I got baked when I got up this morn. I am truly...
OK. my next grow has started. I have 14 sprouts going outside. I need inventory. It's time to work on the cure. I'll never now how good this shit can get if I keep smoking all of it before it's done. I've been high for days lolbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Do you remember when I said it would only get better. This is what I meant. This plant is going to be 2 times the size of the last one. It looks really good man.
WOW my cure is getting a little better. I am totally baked, and it didn't taste to bad. lol. It's getting nice now that I have gotten to the point that I grow more than I smoke