No. What your looking for is a Re Cycle timer, or repeat Cycle timer. You can set on time and off time. Down to the minute with them. Like 2 min on. Then 30 off, and it will just repeat that over and over. Same web page differant timer.
Hope it helps. Good luck
WoW. OK. So I started reading this thread from the very beginning(The first thread). I must say it's a great idea. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Also helpful to some of the peeps that have not grown the auto's. How ever. I am a older person, and I must say. Much to mature for the Jr...
You should get some seeds. I am still not totally sure how long it takes for a seed to mature. I have been doing a little testing on that. The best I can say right now is 5.5 weeks. It could be less. But save a lot of that pollen. It's good for like 6 to 9 months. If kept it in the refrigerator...
Sorry man but that's funny shit right there. I don't care who you are.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Dude always read the thread first.
Trust me you will know when the first good one fully pops open. You will look at it and say ho yeah. It happens fast. It will also look very different from the shit...
The first couple that pop will have no pollen. It takes a couple to get it going good. It took about 1 to 1.5 weeks for mine to get ripe enough to produce pollen once it showed sex.
Yeah if I need a plant now I will have to go with one I just planted. If I have a month or so. Than all is good. I can do the ShortTermAmnesia. Because I have a grow that will be done by then, and that will give me the room for it.
ShortTermAmnesia from DucthBreed is the strain I would like to enter. But I don't have the room right now. I thought round 2 was starting on the 10th of Dec.You could push that back to the first of the year if you want. If I have to start now. I will have to go with MiniThunderfuck. I could use...
OK I want in on round 2 and I have just the seed set aside for this little free for all cage thing HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa. Just so you know that was my sinister evil laugh.
But 1 question. What do I do if the bitch grows balls. Am I out or can I switch to a different plant?
Pot 1 Day 06;
Pot 2 Day 05;
Looking real good, I'm putting the little buggers inside under a light in the evening. Till I go to bed. That's giving them extra light. So there about 18/6 on light. There starting to show the extra growth.
Pot 1 Day 05;
Pot 2 Day 04;
We have sprouts. pot 1 came up 3 days a go, and pot 2 the next morning. I gave them a little Superthrive, some Kangaroots, some Micobrew, and some hydrozime in there water. Just a little. I think they liked it. Looking good so far.