I notice the final plump is much bigger than if I dont use it. Then again its probably the strains i also shoukd correct myself its not FF big bloom im talking about its a " peak" phosphorus and potassium " blast " you give it the last few weeks, lots of sugars to plump them up
Also try giving it some big bloom with lots of sugars for buds plumping in the last 2 weeks before flush . Soething with a 0-12-8 or something like that
Roots organic has a nutrient count but its low enough that the natural nutrients that are stored in the seed when mixed with the soil doesnt burn the plant, i usually end up feeding the plant a 5-1-1 after about the 4-5 node when it actually needs the soil mix re-nuted. It just works for me...
Get some mosquito dunks to control the gnat problem, they lay eggs on the roots and will continue to do so, as for the browning,its most likely burn from the pretreated soil. Try using roots organic or something like that next tme
Need more info and pics what are you growing it in? Whats the ph? Are you feeding it how big is it? Im guessing its in hot soil and is burning.. But thats a guess
I have a digital timer, its too much to get into but to make a long story short, thought i was gonna move, broke everythng down, decided to wait 6 months to move so i put my op back up but was damaged cuz of the quick breakdown so there is things i have to do to make it 100% dark when it 12/12...
So i wont be home to deal with my lights going off today, i usually have to close up any light leaks beofre going to total darkness. I would do that early but my boxes get way too hot ... My question is it better to turn lights off 3 hours early or to keep them on am turn them off 3 hours late...