So ive grown from seed 9th node ... Showed its a female.... Then the next node side female... Then what looks like the male claw..... So i assumed its a i wait just to make sure..... But the claw turns into a leaf?? It is clearly NOT a ball but new branch growth..... In...
If you trim the bottoms, it directs all the energy tht normally would be used To develop the airy small popcorn buds(because of lack of light penetration) to all the upper buds therefore making them bigger
I think its male pic 417. I can see 2 balls.. But yeah give it a wek to be sure
usually it starts out like a bulb... Then either 2 hairs come out or what looks like a leaf grwing over the bulb... That is a ball, then they multiply.. I am 90% sure its a male but dont wnt to say 100% since its...
of course its better or you wont have a cure, but jarring not dry enough is also just as bad not only for mold but can quadruple the drying /curing time and yes sometines it will take a month to get itto its pote ntal, my guess from the op is the smell and look is great its the harsh smoke.
Its still wet hence the harsh smoke... If it still feels that wet after a day in the bag keep it in another day an so fourth but dont let the stem completely dry out so it can cure
If he lives in a High humidity area 7 days isnt enough time...
but paper bag it for a day or two and retun to jars, you also need to keep the jar open for more than 10 minutes.. Do it for like half hour a day.. At least for the first week
the trick is to really slow dry once in the jars
its possible you didnt dry it enough and there is still moisture, i used to make the mistake of jarring it too soon even though it seemed very dry, there was still a lot of moisture in the stem... Too much.. Even being off a day or two can get the cure off
Were you burping the jars?
whats the...