I have been recently prescribed amyltriptyline as I have insomnia, Is it ok to toke with amyltriptyline? I only have to take 1 tablet before I go bed but it's to help me sleep.
Anyone ever taken amyltriptyline and smoked pot and was safe
ok thx, somebody told me that moisture can mess up pollen is that true?
was wondering if i put in a jar it wont start releasing moisture would it..
because I wasn't sure if you are supposed to dry pollen or just store pollen straight away...
but i think i will just snip of balls and put...
I have kept my best male for pollen and finally a few of the balls has just opened. I really know now what "Banannas" Now mean.
I am just unsure weather to collect now or wait till more balls open on plant as I want a lot of pollen, could anyone advise me on the best tecniques for harvesting...
Thanks for all the pics dude but guess what....
I've seen all of them, this is why its getting me so annoyed at myself that I still cant sex plant.
This pic especially confuses me, you see the female section, well if you see first pic at top, if you took pistil away from it, it would leave...
On top of plant i can see bud and on the little side shoot things I can see bud but tbh I have never seen a true pistil on the plant at all, dont know if Im missing something?
I was sure I knew about sexing plant, if its either total male or total female but hermies who knows? wonder if...
I thought you have to use the hermi pollen on a totally different female to get feminized seeds? I could be wrong. I will just take the risk and pull the balls out of the buds, as I have read before it's really hard to stop the hermi from pollenating some of the bud but I will pick all balls I...
Camera is messing up, don't know if plant is hermie or what, dont know weather to pic the balls out of the plant incase its a bunch of calyxs where pistils are going to come out, had a argument with the mrs, cars fucked up.
Man I cant wait till this days over...
thanks for the link dude, but I have seriously looked at pic after pic and those that are on weed farmer... I just dont know if its natural to have pods on the bud? is this where the pistils come out of... got me confused and really aggitated because I cant seem to know what to do.
They are the best pics I could take, I am unsure if this is hermie?
It looks like I have bud but I also have little pods in the bud, I am unsure if these are male flowers or calxys where a pistil will come out but the pods are kind of bunched together if you know what I mean..
this is giving...
Whats the average time between the plant showing the male pods do they open and pollenate these.
Just wondering is the potency effected alot with hermie, due to putting in effort into making balls?
Yea hopefully, its purple wreck too, so just hoping I can do the best I can to try and at least save it from pollenating bud, if it does pollenate bud, will seeds all turn out to be hermies to