lol you guys are funny.
but yeah it might be crappy mids.
ive gotten 1 gram of beasters for 10$ same dude and that shit was pretty dank.
but im 18 and i dont have a job lol so i kinda just buy dime bags.
as soon as i get a job bam first paycheck gonna buy a O of dro
i totaly agree with you i dont like to be around skechy people i once bought some stress with my friend and im 18 but i dont have a license and i had to drive there and the dude looked sketchy as fuck. and my friend was like wanna smoke a blunt with us and im like in my head not really i dont...
the guy is one of my stoner friends dad he one time hooked me up with .5 gram of dank for 5$ when i was low on money which is always lol.
i proly got ripped but tbh im not gonna confront him on it.
ill ask him next time if he has any dank bud
yes there was 1 seed that was in one of the bags mabe more if swim looked closer.
and tbh swim doesnt like to ask questions in a deal.
im just glad to have a hook up peroid
TBH swim has bought weed aprox 4 times.
before that people bought it and swim just smoked with them.
so yeah swims a bit of a novice but swim does alot of research on cannabis
2 dimes for 10$ of lowgrade
anyone know what strain
it could of been
very piney/dark green
funny thing is swim found the first bag then the next day found the second
dont vote for this fucker again hes nothing but a fucking liar.
obama:I will bring our troops home if im ellected!
1 year later
obama: I am sending more troops to iraq then ill bring them home.
ron paul says he will legalize