my father is 56 and is overweight has gasitrius,stomache pains diabetes,copd lung problems and back pain is this enough to get medical marijauna card???
My dads a stoner and he has diabetes,scared lung and other problems well he has to take like 10 pills a day and he gets dizzy his head spins sometimes and im wondering would that be enough to get a MJ Card
Ok I just started growing my plants 2 weeks old before i tried to grow on window sill but both plants died after 3 weeks.I put a random seed into pot watered it once and stuck it outside looked one day and it looks really healthy.But my problem is I live in the desert and the plant doesnt...
hey im growing one plant i didnt expect it to grow actualy i just popped a random seed into a pot of tulips and i see it now and it looks super fucking healthy for a seedling but its outside im scared of people seeing it and stealing it i live in a area where i know people around me sell/smoke...
yeah sorry about the quality it was from cell phone idk if there leavs or the ball of root kuzz it popped above soil with a shell around it from seed u say there friend but friend from what to much sun so much nutes im not useing nutes but the soil has nutes in it
ok my 2nd attempt at growing first time i overwatered then started watering at the right time and itshribbled up and died now this is my 2nd time after i seen my first plant dieng so threw a random seed into pot and it grew and its brown how do i save this one i water every 3 days atm and its...
how can i warm 2 of my seedlings kuzz im growing in window sill gets really really cold at night culd i use a coffee warmer with a coffe cup holding the actual plant cup like inside eachother and cofee cup has water in it wuld the steam hurt my plant?
not useing nutes new growe just useing miracle grow and the mold was green some white some blue fuzzy looking stuff looked like mold to me never put sugar on it yet so should i just cut back on watering and wait?
i cant rly check my ph im a new grower and dont have any specail items for that ive been useing clean bottled water btw there 2 weeks just sprouted above the soil im geussing theyve been growing slowly i have not used any sugar but i did use some vinnigar water i made sure it didnt touch the...
i think i i found mold on top of the soil and brown tipped leaves ive stopped watering replanted in new soil and let it dry out for a day i just watered it like 5 hours ago its about 2 weeks old just sprouted above soil about 2-3 days ago and now it looks like its gna die...
ok im starting a outdoor grow 1 plant im currently germinating in a damp napkin in live in las vegas lots of sunlight but i need to put a box over my plant so ppl dont see a plant they see a box ive cut holes in the sides and cut off the top the problem is the box might be too small i will dig...
i have a grow pc case and i need help with lighting i can only put 2 light fixtures so i was wondering if i can put 2 65 wat cfls 1 6500k and 1 2700k so it buds as soon as it grows so it doesnt get to big for the pc grow box these lights links below...
how about 2 65 watts?¤tURL=%2Fpl__0__s%3FNtt%3D65%2Bwatts%26page%3D2¤tURL=%2Fpl__0__s%3FNtt%3D65%2Bwatts%26page%3D2...
i need help lighting pc grow box will 2 26 watt cfls do the trick?i know abou the spectrums 6500k and 2700k i will put stuff underneath the plant to make it closer to the light......
i made it sweet i just need seeds and light bulbs top left suck air in bottom right suck air out and i hooked it up to my power supply the inside of the case is greyish should i put up tinfoil or just use as is
i have a pc server its pretty big like 28 inches tall and it has a power supply and i got 2 fans how many cfl bulbs do i need can i just use 1? it has a shield.also i need help on ventalation should i make one fan to suck in air and one to push it out of both to suck air out?
wanna grow one plant for personal my dresser thingy its a normal 4 ft tall dresser with the bottom drawers tooken out so it has around 3 ft of room i wanna turn into grow box i have 4 light fixtures and i was told to use cfl will 4 26 watt cfls do the job for one plant in a small place...