Atleast i think its a bubbler lol took a small hit and it was the smoothest hit ive ever took.
sadly the downstep is a blastic pen so gotta make sure i dont roast the bowl.
i used a breathing tube i think thats what they call it for the mouth peace i can also stuff it into the other peace and...
I smoked spice for 3 months straight and the symptoms lasted for like 6 months+ but now its stopped but i can still feel it there. same for the anxiety i have learned to control it but i might go to doc to get some meds for it or get a medical card and buy some strawberry cough and see if that...
Same here dude and before i quit i remember smoking a bowl and literaly staring at my wall for 30 minutes.
before i smoked spice i had no anxiety wat so ever but now i feel like a hypochondriac.
what we were going through is called psychosis-
Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality that...
its way cheaper than weed but it will fuck you up mentaly.
i have a bunch of resin from my pipe that is half weed and half spice and im trying to seperate them l0l
i personaly used to smoke it alot.
when i quit i felt like everything is life was fake and couldnt feel then after months i slowly could feel things like depression-love etc
I recently found a old pipe of mine that has resin in it from the spice.
I am wondering if you can get mmj for anxiety because I have bad anxiety but not diagnosed and it seems that sativas really help me and its hard to get sativas on tha street 90% of the shit i get is indica and that kinda makes me have panic attacks i really wanna try strawberry cough.
one time i double the amount of vicodin i took and i puked and was sick for 2 days.
and one time i smoked a shit load of weed and fell asleep
i smoked alot of weed and i swear to this day i seen my aunt judies ghost sitting on my couch
yeah as far as going to india i would go into the mountains and look for Plants :weed:.fuck the cities.
those spiders made me paranoid lol im to high to think about that shit
what i think you guys are going through is like panic attacks you start beathing heavy then you sweat and then you black out if you dont get it under control.every time it starts coming on im just like-its just the chronic man-and go outside makes u feel better like you can breathe
does this tell you what your smokin lol dumb question just wonderin
i got .5gram of some dank for 5$ and its got crystals up the ass.
anyways the bag had a black spider does this tell you what your smokin or is it just some random shit where the bags were cheaper they bought holloween...
My dads friend was once buying this dank shit.the next time he bought weed it was that k2 shit and he got ripped for it.
I remember buying some of it off him and we all thought it was weed.but it smelled like bubble gum too much and when it burned smelled like fake weed.
i was just wondering if...