not really with autos...they are on their own timeline. ive tried it both ways and they tend to grow at the same rate during veg...just make sure you have more 2700k during flower. could always train them to keep them short...i just wouldn't top them...might not have time to develop new growth...
glad i don't have the average women..she smokes, she grows, likes kick ass metal tunes, never whines nor argues...and lets me stick it in her poop deck:hump:
pic is too blurry to tell...but kinda looks like the "knuckles" that form at the end of the stems to help support more weight...kinda looks like the end of the stem is swollen right?
your comparing the sun to cfl's? but the reason they do is because later in the season they receive less light for shorter periods of time...which is what the different spectrums of light in indoor grows recreates.
i use a mix of both you the best of both worlds..and its true they have almost no veg time...the few autos i grew flowered before they was 2 weeks old...most around day 11-12 from seed
a strain i f'ing love...and it does just what it says too
Strawberry Cough
A very productive plant of high value as a medicinal herb. Bred for its euphoric, anti-anxiety high, this mostly sativa (approx. 75% Sativa 25% Indica) produces a comfortable and enjoyable, yet powerful, experience...
well if that one pre flower is female and the others look obvious male..then he has a hermie on his hands...but it looks all male to me...female pre flowers will not have those little green stipules looking things sticking out the top
hey some good news...hooked my pump back up after rebuilding it...and my res is as bubbley as a drunk Chinese hooker on new years
woo hoo
and also was a little bored when i woke up..noticed your avatar didnt fit the whole i hope you dont mind but i resized it for you..then...
does everyone know that those last 2 pics are ones he googled?...maybe this pic might help...
male preflowers will be more rounded and female preflowers will be more cone almost finger like with 2 white which does he have in his first 4 pics?
if they was smaller id say wait a few days...but if those was female preflowers they would have had pistils by that size.they look like pre-droop male sacks to me
im using the vibra-flo 2 port control knob...but really isnt powerful enough for one.worked awesome when i first got hoping its fixed...or i just wasted a killer seed..unless i transplant the rockwool into soil...
been good man,how bout yourself?lost net for a few days,but back to normal now.
thats odd...i got my first set at wal-hell...the blue ones.they was junk for me,second set i spent a ton for on ebay,was shit too. and nope,my pump was above the dwc,about a 2 feet above.i think i might still have...
hey flo i got a question for you....what brand of check valves do you use...i hooked my dwc back up and did a test run with just plain water yesterday...checked it today and had almost no airflow...checked it out and my tubes was full of water..and my pump was full of water.ive taken the pump...
i agree with you on most of your points...but theres no reason for him to just give up on his current setup...hydro growing to me is not more advanced then soil growing. and i would hate for him to switch his whole setup and then still have the same problems. to be honest i had more success when...