well...seeing as i have a penis tit pics might not work...and i doubt anyone wants my hairy ass posted here.but id rather get something from the contest for being creative (as in not googleing pics and putting text over it in ms paint) then i would for getting it for something i have no control...
so for those of us that put effort into this and made all the pics as asked get looked over for a set of tits? had i known the contest was so simple minded i would have just put 3 sets of tits up as my entries...even though tits was in one of my entries. yet again proving RIU is more of a site...
just let it go people...buz is not going to properly debate anything you post...he cant. he says a few words here and there..says "got it" and just thinks everyone will take everything he says as facts without anything at all to back him up. just wasting time with this one...just another one of...
why does it matter if your a med grower or not...the seeds go through customs...which is federal...who still see marijuana as illegal no matter what state your in.so asking non med growers if they get their seeds is the same as asking a med grower if they do.no matter how many times people say...
im using the same one i bet...its a brinks timer...been using it for over a year and a half now...has never missed time going on or off.sure its the timer and not your wiring/wires some cheap sockets will leave loose wires and a small short can toast your timer
no..im on this site because i grow marijuana...then reason the site is even here...i bet the only thing your growing is your very first hair on your nuts...so go ahead and keep paying for your "dank" and ill keep smoking my own for free...but the first sentence of your last statement i totally...
see we come to this site to discuss and give/get tips on growing medical marijuana...not help high school kids learn how to steal lights and grow weed in their parents house...matter of fact...dont even think your even supposed to post here being a minor.
so first you ask about how to steal a bulb...then say your not stealing a bulb just want info on how to steal a bulb...then you say you have them at your school...so we can assume your underage....but either way be prepared for a karma bitch slap
ps...dont try and be slick and hide these plants...
ever smoke a joint with someone...a blunt...shared a bowl? if yes then you have had others people spit in and around your mouth...how is this different?let it evaporate and you wont even know the spit was there...if your just making hash out of it whats the difference
scripture doesn't tell you how to take a shit either...but you figured it out..i hope at least.there are more things to read and learn from then just the bible. branch out on your reading material...you might just LEARN something as opposed to blindly following what your told is facts
this must be the one guy on this website that has never heard or seen of subcool...this is the thread version of HIS high times article.but good detective work there dick tracy
dinafem haze was one of my last harvest...not the biggest plant in the world...but pulled over a oz off it...stayed green all the way till harvest...def had the haze flavor to it...hit really smooth...great bud for wake and bake