yes i feel safe....first i would notice the program that was installed to do the spy matter how stealthy they think it was...and would notice the cam light...but if you rent a PC from Aarons you have already failed...seeing that i was in management for that industry for 10 years...i...
just wanted to do a pic update on sling shot tonight....she is starting to pack on a ton of trichs each night. and at the perfect size for right now and still looking great...did a few close up pics tonight..not bad for only the 4th day of it producing trichs.
and keep in mind this was the...
might want to over look a few comments here and read all the posts here...its not attitudes fault. a few people seem to not understand that which is fine...more seeds for me :)
your a fumble....your a female and this is a forum...your the football...the guys are the players. now what you do is mention your folder of just half...not even fully nude pics and watch them flock in here.
what that means is that its code inside the email...they dont have your information.its a default code placed into the email that after your email is sent it is then scanning your ip and the code is filling in the blanks...thats how it shows your city...and why it can be ip when its...
i also just placed a seed order...iv'e got some qrazy train on the first time being able to order a strain iv'e been just the normal waiting game for my seeds to get here.'
just thought to keep everyones attention....going to post the seed order we just is the line up for our next grow and some details on each...some of these we all know well...soon will also make a kc brains order, but these came first
1.Barney's farm: LSD-produces a euphoric, almost...
i totally agree.....and OP he is just giving facts along with honest many things do you get in your spam folder..i bet if you opened those they would have your information, web browsers...all these things can obtain your information whether you...
its update time...and its kick ass updates for once......going to finish off this grow on this thread and will start our next grow elsewhere. but before we get to that an update on the current grow.
finally have some decent income coming in once again and i am making a few purchases tonight and...
i doubt attitude had anything to do with it either....companies can get your name addy and all that from tons of 3rd party places...maybe some people order too much porn online? why would attitude try and send your business somewhere else...that would be a bo-tard move on their part
well just checked the highlife site...if the breeder is not the guy from seedsman then they are ripping off seedsman's pics...this is a strain the call the silence it the same pic used for seedsman white widow. so they are either bogus strains or seedsman is behind the site...but thats the only...
because im not speaking on the politics of it...and also let me say again i don't care if they show it or not. and at the same time i don't think the media should have played the Saddam video whether or not it was leaked. so im not speaking of Bush or speaking of the desensitized...
what i wonder is if the government had no issues with the media showing the hanging of saddam why is there an issue with bin ladens pictures. i saw first hand on local news saddam being hung, is this telling us the we are able to and let other countries see us kill their leader, just not show...