Sup C.D. looking good bro as always iv'e been MIA for a sec but i made me another box out of a dryer box this tyme. Crazy thing is im growing my own accidential cross from some nice bagseed i had and a cross from a friend called DarkRain#2 it's DarkStar x PurpleRain x BlackRose. My friend...
Looking good brother did you get my pm? And wht strains are you running next? A friend and i are doing an outdoor grow this summer so far we have Critical+,SwampBud = MasterKush x WonderWoman x SuperSkunk, DarkRain#1 = DarkStar x PurpleRain, DarkRain#2 = DarkStar x PurpleRain x BlackRose...
Lookin good bro was getting worried about you me and a friend are doing crittical+ outdoors this summer. I predict you'll get atleast 3 + oz after its all dried watch and see hit me up if you need someone to do a smoke test with you!!!! LOL!!!!
CD whts up homie im just getting bacc in the swing of things your looking real good man. And if tht LSD is tht bomb i might have to grab me some beans any suggestions.
Whts up guys im also a cfl grower and have recently been introduced to wht i call the double grow. Wich is basically harvesting the larger buds and leaving the lower ones to swell in the new light, i know this method is not new but it is new to me and i think it would help all of us cfl growers...
Man i wish i was still in vegas because i would def come i love to bbq, im a true sothern boi i love to watch ppl get full and happy of my q with some nice smk to boot and to finally get a chance to meet the real tree man dude tht would have made my year. Say Doublejj now i know wht the 2 j's...
Man tht white grape looks real mouth watering djj wish i had a few of those budz especially since me and the wife are out of meds. Man i hope i can gro a few half the size of your girls man, i've been watching and bragging on you since last years gro and let me say bro you never stop amazing me...
Go Molly way to hurd him girl i hate rippers i had a grower friend in my city wich is hard to come by who use to use the site daily he put out a couple plants tht he had this summer get ripped and ever since then i haven't tlkd to or seen him on hear since.
Just read through most of your last gro CD and let me say bro my hats off to you man i gotta get some of those extenders man. I wish i was close to you so we could share a bowl! A lil update on my gro as of last night 3 out of my 5 plants are male my indica bagseed is the only fem at the moment...
Im using a mix spec of cfls in my 12/12 rubbermaid bin 2 2700k 65w = 100w equiv and 1 6500k 65w = 100w equiv i have been growing for about 21/2 years now and i have only used cfls and i must say i've had some impressive grows if i do say so my self. You do have to watch your gurls to make sure...