First post on rollitup, Here is a setup for you. Started with an old entertainment center and modified it so the entire bottom would be filled with soil. Started by completely dissassembling the cabinet, covering each individual piece with adhesive then shrink wrap to keep the moisture in. Cut a square hole in the top for a custom carbon box filter, thats the part with the chicken wire and fabric. On top of the filter box is a computer fan pulling air out from the top, into a dryer vent and out into open air. Two computer fans in the bottom pulling air in, wired to a seperate transformer so there is a choice between positive or negative air pressure to keep the smell down. The bottom for the soil is completely sealed with aquarium friendly silicone, aside from 9 holes with air tubes for drainage. around the doors is weather stripping so they seal when the door is closed. the whole bottom being filled with soil is ok, only essentially one plant going to be in there, and that one plant is being supercropped.
Let me know what you think? not quite as ghetto as most but the next post will have progress in it

Let me know what you think? not quite as ghetto as most but the next post will have progress in it