I wouldn't say water daily remember over watering is how most first time growers kill their plants. Water real good until you get a lil runoff then pic the pot up to judge the wait of it. This is the best way to tell when to water,the roots organic 707 is the shit i've used it before. If you...
Say styles the update sounds good but i can't see your pics it says the attchment is invalid when i click on them. Srry to hear about your male i hope you saved some of tht pollen for seed runs later on,cause i think tht Cheese x SuperBatMan OG would be a dank ass cross bro might be something to...
No prblm bro im more than happy to pass on as much info as i can. I can't wait until you can harvest and cure your buds so you can give us a smoke report!
Treat it like you would a broken leg wrapped it up well then find some popsicale sticks and make some splints. This should help you save the broken limb.
I have a few strains to work with and have been gifted a few crosses. A friend and I are working on a few cross ideas,you can subb to my YouTube page for updates from 3rd Coast Genetics!
Sup Arc how you doing bro im loving they scrog man been wanting to try this for a while. This is an update vid of my outdoor grow bro I also subbed to your grow say hit me up if you wanna try growing something other than bagseed bro...
All you have to do is buy 2 vent gards and face the inside vent in the opposite direction as the outside one. Or something im gonna try on my next box is,go to Lowe's or HomeDepot and buy some of those cheap 89 cent filters and sandwich in between my intake vents. After you cut them to size they...
Say CD you knw of anyone to grow the AlienDawg i was gifted some seeds of this strain and a few crosses one tht is alien dawg x ultimate chem 11, i want to try these in my next box. Im gonna get the large wardrobe box and i plan to make a reflector,got the idea from a guy off youtube he's using...
Sup CD gotta give credit whea credit is due bro! BAD news i had a security breach so i had to shut shit down,i had to chop my girls down and everything i damn near cryed when i had to cut em. But i would rather be free and sober,than high and locked up!!!!!!
Lookin super dank CD i just fimed my plants 2dayz ago and they start 12/12 at 6am i can't wait to see hairs and buds forming on my gurls. Hears a couple of links.
Check em out and tell me wht you think fam,CD you and the cardboard...