Seahawks fan here. Hoping Russell Wilson can help us out offensively....I think Marshawn will have another solid year. Our D is on the upswing....if it weren't for the 49ers in our division I'd have higher hopes.
All the guys at the RNC talked about was "OBAMA IS BAD" "WE CAN DO BETTER BECAUSE WE SAID SO"
Which wasn't very nice since he was sitting in that chair the whole time.....:dunce:
i had an allergic reaction to medication once and my throat closed up...blacked out then woke up hella confused
I was in the hospital so they put something in my iv to counter the reaction
War in Iran = nuclear clusterfuk
We know his party loves war. Just go back to the South Carolina debate when Ron Paul get booed for saying we should abide by the golden rule instead of bombing the shit out of anybody we didn't like.
Just a hypothesis. I don't mind Ron, he was the best candidate running out of all the Republicans. I just think he's going to retire soon....this was probably his last 'hoorah'