I know you're being sarcastic.......but if you aren't, just google it. Illegals pour BILLIONS of dollars into our system. More than a lot of American's do.
Half the population pays no income tax.....In reality, only 10-15% of people pay ZERO taxes. The 50% number is people who pay income tax.....hell, illegal immigrants contribute billions every year to SS according to the social security admin....plus sales tax and property taxes....PLUS they...
A few people already said it, but i'll reinforce it even further. Those are just swollen calyx's.....you're fine man
I remember the same thing happening to me my first grow and I didn't find a single seed after harvest.
Modern medicine has saved my life, but it's also taken a toll on my body....Prednisone sucks. Remicade sucks. Synthetic drugs suck
I'll stick with my green and a vaporizer...that's all the meds I need.
I remember when I was younger as I began questioning my faith...it kinda freaked me out too. Then one day it stopped bothering me.
Whether you decide to continue practicing your religion or not, just remember that there is much more to life than religion. You can live a great life with or...