na im gonna wait for it to get bigger and let it show its self. I dont wanna do nothin to fuck up this plant its looking good for 2 weeks and the others is doing very well too.
OK so this is about day 14, her last feeding was last night (every wensday night)... Soil is organic MG, PH is always around 5.8-6.1... I use fishtank water instead of tap or bottled water... there is only one pic i could get to show them instead of blurr. there clawish if you turn the plant...
but i wouldnt keep the lights on lol last time this shit happened to me i almost screwed my self right into the hospital i was riht underneithe the lights when they exploded lol luckly i have been shot befor and when you hear something like that agian you dive and duck for cover lol
yea its hard to figure out whats really wronge with out being there and messing with it but there could be more the one reason for that but get a cfl light and see if tht works cause i use 14 for my flower box and my plants are in love with me for that lol before i had abbout 7 but now i get...
hmmm is the fans working ok or does this happen when the fans are on only ? cause it sorta sounds like to me that theres a shortage some where in the extention cord
I sure will and i thank you for helping me... the last guy stopped talkin lol and i will have pics soon and keep you updated if anything changes or gets better or worse :)
well it seems you have to many lights for one breaker.... mine did it to try running an extention cord around from another room (further away) and try that and let me know if it helps
yep i check it almost every day its usally 5.6-6.1 but i think its just cause i re potted it last night and it lost a bout 1 inch of stem and was moved around a little bit would that be a problem ?
there about 2 1/2 weeks old the food they get is some what from the organic soil and the other is superthrive. a little bit of mg in the beginning of the plants life but mainly from the cow poo on top of the organic soil. the plants about 6 inchs tall if that and the leafs are healthy and there...
well i have 2 answers lol you tell me it wants to be fed. but another guy tells me its normal that the plants sometimes get purpleish red streaks down the stems