no it is not but it was in veg the 1st month and a 1/2 i had it indoors the its 12 hours light out side and 12 hours dark i kno cause i work from 8pm till 8 am. so its always 12 12 now.
Ok i had my skunk special plant indoors for the 1st month and a 1/2 and it was about 3 1/2 feet tall and was bushy as fuck... i have it outside now for about 1 1/2 months it hasnt shown any buds yet and has stopped getting taller and its about 5 1/2 feet now. She stinks to high hell about a foot...
if your planting in soil you can add when the plant in just srpouting but add some nutri like MG or something like that once a week for the first few weeks then back off for about 2 weeks and feed every two weeks
yea like i said till you see roots. which for mine was around 6-7 inches. then it took me 3 minutes and no stress at all to my big plant. :) shes only 3 weeks and if 2 feet tall.
no there doing fine i do the same thing all the time just put holes in the bottom f the cups atleast 4 holes for the water to run off. and let them get about a half a foot or till you start seeing roots come out some then press on the sides of the cup to push the dirt nd roots to gether around...
no i know exactly what it is if you look at the leafs on the damaged plants there all watery looking. then when they die they turn yellow. its overwater very badly +no drainage for the run off+ no nurti which should be added to all soil plants when they are planted. i have about 10 plants right...
ok so 2 days ago on my big plant i noticed the single rigged leafs turning yellow and getting crunchy like and dying. its no other color but a distinct yellow. my single rigged leafs died and fell off and the only pair of 3 point leafs are dying at the bottom. i dont see no others dying at the...
ok im back on now. ive been flowering 12/12 sence yesturday. tonight will be the 2nd 12/12 night for her. shes just a little over 17inches and about 22inches wide now so ill take pics later tonight when the wife gets home with the camera. shes sprouting out her 3rd set of 9 tiped leafs. keep on...
every other day lik he said above my plants a lil over 2 weeks old and is about a foot tall. with about like 40 or 5 leafs... water till the top is wet and then just keep the top wet until the plants roots spread out.
vn Plants as well as mine :) mines just tall cause i want it to have some spread to it ... Shes just over a foot tall now... lol 2 inches she grew quick.. :P im gonna take more pics tomarrow morning and post them just for a update of her :P you gonna see improvment
im not flowering yet its only at 2 weeks 3 days. and plus its only 11inches tall. im gonna wait till about 2 week from now ill start cause it will be about 1 foot 2-5inches. i know what im doing and your new so ty but im iight.