ahhh so shes a she :) SWEETT !!! ty so much for your help :) and lol theres pistils comming out already its like 2 thinish hairs they look like a balled up fist and a few fingers out lol
yea ive been hearing that alot lol its like there stickin out tho like there gonna be new leafs. there starting at the Y shaped parts where the leafs break away. the pictures dont come out right there all blurry and cant see what im talking about
it wouldnt be best to move the plant until its ready to flower so you can see if it can handle the out doors. its not always best to move a plant out side when it was started inside. how big is the plant and how big is the pot ???
you can put them in soil right away i did and my plant is about 1 week and a half old its about 6 inchs tall and its working on its 5th set of leafs. i usally germinate but i didnt this time cause its a good seed strain.
Ok on my plant there are theres dark greenish like hairs or new leafs at each stem where 2 new leafs break away to the sides. im not sure what they are because im used to growin hydroponicly and never having to worrie about them really. but it would help alot if some one helped me figure out...
lol cow boy uncle ben has been helping me sence i got on here :) i dont abuse nutri. lol ive been growing long enough to know only use nutri about 1 time a week if that. thnks tho :)
u never said anything about nutri. from ther just about foxfarm. but like i said i need help with nutri. nothin else so i figured you where talking about the other shit cause i dont buy from any where on the internet but nirvanashop to get seeds
ok i will find some that has nit. in it and P nd K too. im hoping this will work out great but im sure they well cause you guys on here are like gods to me i bow down and do as you say lol im still new but getting better :)
i wasnt expecting that much now lol i usally make around 75-120 grams off each plant cause they all end up being about 4 feet tall and bushy as fuck but its just the buds where small lol. do you have any advice on nutri i could use cause this is only my 5th sativia grow lol and i want it to work
Well i just started on this site like 2 weeks ago and i had a good plant just die for no reason i couldnt get any one to help me figure out what was wronge and i just died so i ordered seeds and started over i was hoping the extra lights would help but ive used superthrive before and it helps...
Well the plant was fine until i did that. The roots just died in the soil after about a week of me doing that every other day. it was a horrible smell and no one could give me answers to why that happened so i assumed it was that cause the plant was nice and stronge... with big leaves but thats...
Ok ive been growing for about 1 year now and still havent been able to get plants to grow full and finish right the buds are always smaller then i would like. I need some advice on some nutri. i could buy to help me keep the plants alive and get them going big. I have 2 plants at the moment...