This op clearly communicated that the medium is grow stone net pots in DWC with same nutes in all 4 buckets.
Only 1/4 plants is effected
I concluded the factor could be something about it's place in the tent, such as air flow amount.
Op, Are these from seed or clone? Same strain?
I have 12 mini Rockwool cubes next to the window 1/2 way up with water, air pump and heating mat at 72-76F. Humidity dome. (Day 10 from sow)
They flopped on me.. not dead but leaf to ground,
They were ok with:
3 quarts water
pH 6 citric acid
PPM 400
Potassium nitrate : ammonium phosphate
You shouldn't defoliate that early. Sure it's week 4 but expect a longer flower time at this grow rate.
Your yellow leaves are not that bad/deadly to plant. I'd move it to a different part of the grow tent, cut off leaves more than 3/4 yellow, and hope for the best.
John makes good videos and knows his stuff; he's an ambitious gardener with many videos on his YouTube channel. Plenty of stuff on organic gardening, microbes and composting.
Watch "What is BioChar? How to Make & Why You shouldn't use Raw Biochar" on YouTube
"Learn organic gardening at...
This is what I mean
When I drive down the street there are 3 wires in 3 phases. No neutral.
What I think I was missing is that at the house transformer at the street, 1 phase is turned into x2 120 hots and a neutral (?)
I need power...
In it's most domesticated environment, the indoor grow space, this arrangement of cannaabii flourishes. It's master painstakingly tends to it's every need. The flower-like structure contains the narcotic glands that are sought by so many homo sapiens.
The leaves glisten as do the flowers...
I think this dude is like a PM headhunter
Trying to infuriate the cannabis knowledge base
All he knows about weed is what they taught him at Virginia headquarters
You'll never get federal legalization!
Keep paying tax on that empty land in emerald triangle.
Aww hell nawh
I'll post pics of the whole thing.
It's half built and I took a lot of breaks for mid-build replanning.
x10 buckets 4 gallon
x10 buckets 2 gallon as netpots
x2 totes 40 gallon reservoirs (60 gallons true together)
It's a one-way flow, the water will just be flowing counterclockwise pumped from...
Instead of chiller I could partially bury a 55 gallon plastic drum to cool the water. 6 ft under the soil is 50°F year round. So how deep is it 65°F? Airwalker? Bueler?
All my greenhouse/outdoor YouTube home slices use white buckets.
Every black outdoor bucket DWC I've seen comes with brittle leaves from plant heat exhaustion.
To your satisfaction I've always used black buckets for indoor growing.
If it becomes an issue I'll just make panda film cozies for each bucket. I'll be using h2o2 anyway. Panda goes white to outside, black to inside.
Yes upload, I'd like to see it
Haters gonna hate
White absorbs much less heat from light which is the #1 issue OUTSIDE
HEAT causes root root not light
Light causes algae
Try building a sprayer out of 360 cloner heads to aerate without heat. Like this
I think uniseals have more give to the angle the pipe can be at. I need this because of unlevel dirt outside.
Uniseals might make a tighter seal than Bulkheads.
Bulkheads make it easier to clean..
My solution is use PVC unscrewable unions mid-pipe in various places for dismantling (slip slip...