Good idea
I used to take x2-4 25mg CBD / day (bought)
Now I vape about x1 gram (~40mg CBD) / day
My hemp product contains 4% CBD and negligible THC (0.15%)
I might get back into the capsules some day. It is Inspiring that it would be simple to make my own
This is the mixture I plan to use (first time - feedback welcome)
0.1 grams Silver Nitrate + 100ml H2O
0.5 grams Sodium Thiosulfate + 100ml H2O
+ 500ml H2O
Glass Jar
For female pollen sacks- Fem Seeds (do not ingest these chemicals- wear nitrile(?) gloves when applying)
My question is this...
I would spray them with h2o but not water the soil untill until it dries out significantly.. This will stimulate root growth, get some air to those roots
over-watering and / or too cold... possible bad air circulation but don't dry them out too much. they look still alive so that's good, i think humidity is ok
Booster fans are LOUD. I would do x2 inline. I'm a big fan of the HEPA intake which I imagine would be necessary for a shed to keep the bugs and pollen out.
I use x2 4inch inline on my 4x4 tent 400-600watts lighting. if your two 600 led are an actual watts of under 600 i would do 4inch.
I bought a digital ph meter and I treated it (cared for it) like a ppm meter and it broke real quick (wasn't cheap). I thought about doing it again but it's not in my budget on this small grow. Sticking with the color indicator solution. $7
I don't see a product like this for indoor growing. Potassium permanganate pellets in the Shell of a (empty) carbon filter would work.
Makes co2 and h2o out of ethylene gas.
Potassium permanganate is an aquatic environmental toxic... disposal considerations
3lbs lasts 1-3 months...
One could pull air into the structure with an inline fan into a smaller grow tent where there is a airconditioner and dehumidifier then the air goes into the grow grow tent. This might be practical for summer.
The other chemical is sodium thiosulfate. I don't trust gibberelic acid since it's real nasty stuff and some say it doesn't work. (this is my first time doing this) (do not smoke bud with any of the three on it)
That sounds like a reasonable equipment plan. I'm making a SCROG screen too...
Thanks! My 4inch in-out is set on the lowest setting on the speed controller. Temps are 74 lights off 82 lights on. Humidity is around 20% everywhere.
I think this time I will make some fem seeds... silver nitrate and the other chemical mixed.
Then with the fem seeds I'll run a test on what...
In hindsight I think the hormones from kelp meal contributed to these results. Kelp was used as a boiled filtered tea in high concentration in the hydro nutrient water.