niiiiice! love the pics.. looks like they really responded well to the topping/tying down. i knew theyd be happy hangin out at ur house... rather than mine! =p lol
hahaha. yeaaa i caught the end of the game. =) adn was pretty happy with wat i saw. =D and yeaa i dont do much wen i get home. jsut smoke.. watch tv. and pass out. lol. jsut checked out all the plants. the BSB x CB looks soo awesome man.. it glistens... has almsot a shiny coating of purple. =)...
Oo wow really? thats cool. =) im happy cuz i tried germin 4 or 5 black rose seeds all 2gether and did not have luck with them. =\ there was 1 that germed and tgried 2 sprout... but did not make it. =\ sooo im glad to have sumthing similar.. and it would b nice if sum of bogs potency showed...
yeaaa i figure even if a hint of BOG genetics show thru.. ill be all set with potency. still cant believe how purple it is tho! =) LOVE it!
thats 2 bad about the ratio. =/ ill have to hope for the best.. i seem to have real good luck with female - male ratios wen growin reg seeds... ive only...
Yeaaaa im thinkin it might be more purple too. lol. and hopefvully stronger as well.. as long as sum of that sour bubble comes thru. =D the leaves r pretty purple as well. well.. all the newer leaves anywayz... but yeaaa in about 5 weeks... my flowerin room should be empty... and cleaned out...
damnnn man. very very nice lookin nugs man.. wow. =) very impressive. once the breeders boutique is up and running again u should throw sum of those seeds on there. bet theyd sell great!!
yeaa im glad man.. i was hopin for a BSB dominant strain. =D i wanted thye clsoest thing to the original BSB mom. she was a beauty!!! im happy with her tho. very happy. cant wait till its harvest time for her! =D
thanks man. yeaa the color is deff interesting. =D and yeaa im gonna shut off any air flow i got.. cant wait to be completely rid of these lil fuckin bastards man... seriously. they piss me the fuck off!!!!! lol. soooooon tho... about 4-5 more weeks and all my plants should be done flowering...
yeaaa i 4got how strong it was!!! lmao. while i was trimmin sum of the fan leaves off a few days ago... i accidentally snipped off a small Bubblicious bud... and i just smoked a bowl of it. and im high as shit.. ive been smokin floja for a while now... and mann... the bubblicious blows it away...
im growin sum Black Sour Bubble (Sour Bubble x Black Rose) x Casey Band (Casey Jones x Head Band) that i got from HC.. who will be opening his own line of seeds very soon. THC Line. (The HC Line from Highlanders Cave) hes got quite a few good strains of his own. the BSB x CB is showin sum real...
hey HC. figured id post the pics of my... well.... your BSB x CB. =) LOVE the color on it. hopin C-Loves shows sum purple as well! it showed up RIGHT away. anywayzzzz. heres a bunch of pics!! once it gets a lil further into flowering.. i will post sum more pics.
Black Sour Bubble x Casey...