Damn curtis... u always have sum of the nicest lookin plants I've seen... I always see altta ur pics on siccs thread. They r quite impressive as always. U take sum great pictures!!
sorry to hear about everything HC... =/ hopefully everything works out 4 ya... yeaaa me and my girl... well.... now ex-gf have been goin thru tough times too. =/ nothin can ever go as ya plan... theres always a hump sumwhere along the road.... but i always say/think... if u guys are meant for...
lookin good guys.. got a few pics og my AK 48 im gonna throw up on here in a lil bit. my internets been down the last few days. hopin i can get sum pics up b4 it goes out again... fuckin comcast mann....
never smoked any deep chunk.... but in my opinion.. deep chunk is the frostiest plant i have ever seen... i have seen quite a few deep chunk plants or deep chunk crosses... and they always blow me away! really indical lookin plant with frost caked on all along the leaves.. going down the edges...
thanks man. glad to see ya on here. watsup? wat r u growin nowadays?
yeaaa i just looked at it. thats insane mann! it really does look IDENTICAL! wow... i thought maybe i had a rare purple pheno.. but i guess not! =p lol. thats good tho. i htink ppl will enjoy this pheno
nice new selection of seeds man. =) i got alot of the same ones. ;) the gorilla grape was a fav! i think youd like that. =) excited for the chocolate chunky munky... since it DOES have Deep Chunk genetics in there.... =D
sorry man. i havent grown this b4. i kno theres alot of pages.. but try skimmin through them and press CRTL F and type in chrystal... and see if any1 talks about it on a certain page. im sure sum1 has sum info on the strain
heyyy is there any purple in ur BSB x CB? i know mines got a nice shade of purple to it.. adn so doeswnt C-Love. jsut curious if any1 elses is purple? looks great tho man!
that QQ looks amazing DON... seriously! i going to be fuckin BULLSHIT if mines not a female!!! =( i really wanna grow it out.
hahahaha. yeaaa i think once the seeds are ready. and they hit the shelves.. well... the web page.... lol. i think thyere gonna do great! ive had soooo many ppl askin me for sum over the last 6 months or so... glad i can finally tell them there will be sum available... thanks to HC and is great...