i tried this already.. and it worked great for a lil bit. but then they fuckin re-appeared. =/
i just hate them tho.. my platns used to look great! i loved showin off pics of them. now im embarrassed to post pics. /
and yeaa thats why im focusing more on the small vegging plants. im filling...
heyyy man! CONGRATS on ur DOG Kush landing a spot (an exclusive sot) on the Grey Areas menu!! thats soo fuckin awesome dude!!!! sooooooooo awesome. i would be braggin 2 every1 if sumthin i created landed on there!!
looks jsut about ready man.. the 5th pic of that single bud looks ready for sure! u could even chop that bud off... and dry it out and smoke it. adn see how u like. i think weneva ur ready to chop.. shes just about ready. maybe let the lower buds go a lil loner
ehh.. the winds deff pickin up over here now man... it just snaped a big ass branch right off a tree in my backyard..almost took out the swing set!! =/ scaryyyy shittt man.
heyyy watsup man? long time no see! lol. hope u dont mind me slightly takin over the thread this thread can be a handful. lol. im jsut doin my best to give ppl a rough estimate on how long they have to go. there is a nic amount of bud porn on here tho!
if u wanna see sum more good bud porn...
maybe another 4+ weeks.
few more weeks. 3-4 weeks looks good tho man! looks like it will be a nice yeilding plant! id like if you would post more pics in a few more weeks! =) id like to see how this one progresses.
i agree man... lol..the title of the thread is "Want To Know If Your Plants...
sorry man. its really hard to tell. teh pics are very very blurry (or im very very high.... or both. lol) any way to get clearer pics? from wat i can see.. maybe 2 weeks? 3 at the most?
id say closer to 4/5. she still has alotta filling out to do man. keep it up tho!
yeaa man. your right on...
yeaa i always ran a mixed spectrum.. durin veg and flower. during veg i tried to use 1 2700K bulb for every 2 6500K bulbs during veg. and vice versa during flowering. and always had great results. biggest ull was 3 1/2 ounces dry from 1 WW plant. with only a 3 week veg and 8 week flowering period.
aiight ill be sure to send them all that way man!!! and yeaa i saw that!! thats fuckin AWESOME!! i just said sumthin to Don about that. thats impressive man. good for him!
** STAY INSIDE HC!!! AND BOARD UP THOSE WINDOWS!!! the wind is DEFF pickin up over here!!!!! the hurricanes a comin!!!! lol stay safe man! waitin for the rain to start falling..... well.... if my plants did survive outside.... not sure theyll be there anymore... =/'
oooooo yeaaaa my friend. that is DEFF a tri/poly ploid branch! hahahaha. i have gotta a few of them! the yield does increase greatly!!! but its a BITCH to trim!!! i hated it! lol. but its well worth it
looks great! especially for a bagseed man!!! very nice!!!!!!!!!!!
i miss growin under CFL's.. =( i used to pull sum nice ass buds off my CFL's. then i moved to the 400 watt HPS... and believe it or not. my yields dropped!
vedy nice vedy nice! can w8 to see wat she looks like in 2 more...
hahahaha. i remember seein this pic around.. one of my favorite pics! just LOVE the color on this bud!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... i was lookin forward to these pics man!!! they look sooo sexy! especially with the seeds poppin out too! =) very nicely done as always HC
wow! thats crazy how small it...
nice seein the diff phenos side by side. =) i actually have sum of these seeds as well. maybe they will be involved in the next batch of seeds i germ? =) they look pretty fucking bomb!
wow man. that sensi's very nice lookin! =) is there any hints of purple in there?? looks like there may be sum purple hues. adn its weird... sum of the buds look just about done.. and then a couple others look like they still need 1-2 weeks? eitehr way. very nice. sensi star is very very potent
cant 4get franken berry as well! lol. i still find those once in a while... nevre really like counct chocula that much.. im not racist or anything... lol. boo berry was probly the best outta the 3