your plants look like they are zinc deficient and possibly have some other deficiencies...what kind of nutes are you using? (because they aren't healthy this will affect your yield)
I'm from orange county and there are definitely some good nurseries around here...i'll check it out and thanks for the suggestion! let me know how you like them indoors, because i am going to be starting indoors in the next couple months.
It was a little nute burn, but she is in the process of recovering from that...I hardly feed her any, but she seems to be very sensitive to them. The pH is perfect.
Thanks for the picture, it really helps! The light leaks have been solved and I'll look into a fertilizer that is lower in N....I just find them hard to find :(
This chart really helped me when I first started so it may also give you some help. It is also unfortunate because often times deficiencies show very similar symptoms. With the soil you have it in, you would think there would not be a problem. You should check the pH of your soil because soil...
That is a sign of nitrogen deficiency. Check the levels of NPK in your soil and adjust your fertilizer accordingly. It's not too late to keep your plant healthy!
Ok so, I am working on fixing the light leaks. Once this is done, it will still give me pretty decent buds?? I'm open to disappointment because this is my first grow, but it would be nice...
Do you know how long it takes for the plant to stop revegging?
Thanks for all the help everyone!
Now that you say that I think that that could be the problem. The street lights are far enough away, but the plant is growing on my porch. I never turn the porch light on, but the light from my room sometimes seeps out through the door on to my plant if I forget to close the shades. From...
So I'm doing a small practice grow of super silver haze. This is my first grow and she's been flowering for four weeks now. She has lots of trichomes all over her, but not a lot of pistils developing. I am only concerned about this because when I look at pics of other grows, there are usually...
i can't tell in the first pic, but the second one is definitely a male :[ hopefully the other one is a female! but hey at least it is good experience learning how to grow :] how tall are they? oh and pull the male so he doesn't impregnate your girl (if it is a girl).
once your plant gets bigger and stronger you can keep the light about 2-4" away because you don't want to stretch your plant. good luck to you and let me know how it goes! peace
you can use neem oil, but i had spidermites too...i used insecticidal soap that i purchased from home depot for like $5. it is organic and can even be used during flowering. took care of the little buggers in no time, you just have to be sure to coat every inch of your plant because they are...
plants are remarkable survivors and with real careful attention it is not difficult to get them back in to good health. how close was the light when you put it on?
Hey I am having trouble finding daylight CFLs in 42 watts, but have found both bright white and soft white in 42 watts. I have been told to use the daylight for veg and the soft white for flower. Does anyone know and/or have experience with using the bright white bulbs instead of the daylight...