Yeah man, I'm a bit disappointed too but at least I learned a lot from this one. The next will be better yet!
I was thinking about the droopiness earlier too... while it was happening I thought for sure it was just because the plant had used up all of the nutrients in the reservoir, but I...
Hi everyone,
After much contemplation, I've decided I'm going to be chopping her down later today. No attempt at re-rooting. Due to space restrictions I can only really grow two plants at once, and I am not particularly excited about the idea of one of them being a gimp. That is to say, if it...
Unfortunately that wasn't an option until about a week ago, but now that my tent is set up I'll be starting a second plant as soon as my seeds get here :). Thanks for stopping by.
Mm, I'm not sure I'd call it a tincture unless he reduces it. Out of a full bottle prepared without heat, chances are a dose is something like a full shot of the stuff. It could probably be reduced and concentrated in a double boiler for smaller dosages though!
Thanks for all the feedback, guys. Unfortunately I'm currently not equipped with any rooting compound for cloning, so hopefully I can keep her going for a couple more days until I have a car and can run to the store. If not, no biggie. The only problem is if she does take root I'll have nowhere...
Is it possible to "re-root" a plant? Just like taking a clone, but cut the plant at the base instead of at a branch. This is the only way I can think of to save the plant at this point -- I figured since it's still rather small (not much bigger than a large clone cutting) it might be possible...
Here's a new picture of the stem from this morning:
The fungus has visibly advanced since I scraped a bit of it off yesterday. It is the sort of off-white weird-textured stuff all over the rotting area. The stringy stuff is plant fiber that came loose yesterday with the initial layer of...
Thanks for the feedback, *BUDS. I'll keep her going as long as I can, but after looking at the plant again this morning I'm not very optimistic :-\.
I'll be getting a fungicide for hydro systems as soon as I can, but I'm thinking it's probably too late.
Here's a new picture so you can see what...
Very nice harvest! I can't tell what looks more delicious; the venison or that sexy main cola. Mm, dense buds. Looks like you'll get a healthy dry weight.
It's an AF :-\, so cloning isn't really the best option. I have a couple seeds left. Also, I was thinking about it last night and although my "semi-perpetual" idea of PC --> Tent --> repeat is sort of neat, I don't think it's the best way to go about doing things. I'm not sure why I didn't think...
There was a brief period when I watered the cube down a bit because it seemed excessively dry. Unfortunately, I didn't really think it through and after I topped off my reservoir I didn't have adequate rock-wool drainage (I assume) so the cube stayed wet for a few days. I don't know for sure if...
I have four fans in my case (two in, two out), so I'm confident ventilation isn't an issue. The reason the rock-wool was extra wet for a bit is because I did some top watering with (apparently) inadequate drainage into my reservoir. The cube has been at a good moisture level for the past week at...
Hi all,
I'm currently growing one Easy Ryder (AKA AK47 x Lowryder #2) in a micro-DWC PC case. I believe her stem has developed a case of stem rot. Currently day 22 from sprout (and like day 5 or so of flowering).
I think the fungus was contracted a little over a week ago just before doing...
Maybe a tad, but it doesn't look like you're stretching it enough to warrant *necessary* action. How far away is your light?
Sure look like pre-flowers to me! I don't know why there would be more growth already at that undeveloped node.
Looking pretty nice. Keep in mind you could always take...
Yeah, I'm definitely keeping a close eye on it... As far as I know the stem has always been that way though. It just keeps getting thicker and greener above the pinch so it's looking more exaggerated over time. There is definitely root matter above my rockwool, just below the pinch -- I kept...
Looking good man! As you already know, I'm subbed :). I'm eager to see how yours turns out.
For sure! I think you could even get more aggressive with it (not necessarily on this grow, but in future ones). If you haven't yet, check out the thread I linked in a previous post: Defoliation...
Haha, just about! It's kind of fucked-up looking though (perfectly healthy, but grew strangely)... I'll try to get a good picture of it tonight. You will lawl. Hmm, pH issues should be pretty easy to fix, no?