Hello again,
I'll start with some replies to comments.
Hey brandon, thanks a ton for the awesome link! That is a really great design.
Oooh yep :). She sure does smell. Keep me posted on your decision! If you haven't checked it out yet from any of the talk above, I'd definitely look at Wolfman...
Hey folks!
My apologies for being MIA the past couple days. Busy time, you know how it is. I'll be back in a bit (read: ~30min) with updates, pictures and responses.
Hey guys,
Just a really quick update here with numbers and a picture from last night.
pH: 5.9
PPM: 1150
Looking good after I added ~1.5L of full strength flowering nutrients.
More later.
Hey weedfiend, thanks for stopping by. I checked out your journal -- looking great! I'm subbed.
Odor control is... well, let's just say my room smells like cannabis pretty much all the time whether I've been smoking or not. Until this point that has been fine... to friends I can chalk it up...
Looking good, weedfiend! Unfortunately I can't really offer that many suggestions, as I'm pretty unfamiliar with soil grows -- I can tell you, however, that my plant's cotyledons yellowed and fell off at around week three or four. I think this is a natural process. I'm not sure of the reason for...
Day 42 has come and gone. It looks as though it was a good one.
pH: 5.7
PPM: 1200
I didn't change anything tonight. Reservoir pH has steadily declined over the past couple days, and PPM is just about borderline. I'll mix up some more nutes and add them tomorrow night.
It's not too bad. The first couple times I did flushes it took a bit longer because I didn't have my procedure nailed down, but now I can get a complete mix + flush done in ~30 minutes. But my new plan is even easier; it will probably be 10-15 minutes every 2-4 days. So really not bad at all...
Hi Guys,
I was unable to post an update last night due to getting caught up in epic amounts of homework, but here is the info for this morning.
pH: 6.1
PPM: 1100
Looking good. I'm thinking instead of doing a complete flush every 3 or 4 days, I'll just top off my reservoir...
Thanks very much for joining, Greenlights.
pH: 5.9
PPM: 1080
Numbers are looking good. I added a little more than a liter of full strength flowering nutes to top off my reservoir.
I pinched off a couple leaves tonight that were getting in the way. The buds are looking good...
Thanks endofwed! That wait sounds harsh :(. ETA?
pH: 6.1
PPM: 1200
I need to top off my reservoir tomorrow as soon as I can. Otherwise, things are looking good in the technical department.
I opened up the case this evening and was astonished to see that some of the buds and...
Nightly Update: Day 37
I know the feeling, man! I'm glad you've decided to go for it. I'd check out Attitude seed bank. It's highly recommended by users of this site. I'd be happy to follow along with your grow :). I'm always on the lookout for similar grows that can provide cool things like...
Hey 24kgeez, welcome to the thread! I'll answer your questions inline below. Your case looks pretty cool! I have just about the same light :).
No problem man -- I've been hoping to spark up some discussion about this kind of stuff!
A properly sized reservoir was the hardest thing for me to...
Hello RIU!
pH: 5.7
PPM: 1050
I flushed my reservoir today, so everything is looking good there. The buds are starting to develop nicely. Trichomes are now visible on the buds via magnifying glass and even macroscopically on some of the larger ones! I'll try to get a nice picture...
Hey guys,
pH: 5.8
PPM: 800
Numbers are good. I topped off my res with RO water and adjusted the pH down a little bit. I'll do a flush tomorrow night.
I did a little pruning, but other than that I didn't work the plant at all. It's starting to get really obvious that she's...
A simple home-made wooden box sounds like it will work very well. It will be very easy to make to your exact specifications, and should do the job quite nicely. Make sure you have some sort of plan sketched up before you start cutting!
Wow, that's very kind of you to say rasta! I'm really glad...
Argh, so I did one of those horribly annoying things earlier when you write up a post and then click the wrong button in the browser and the whole thing goes bye bye and is lost forever. So I had a long, coherent response written up, but I'm too lazy to write it up again. I tend to ramble a lot...
:) I haven't got it in yet, but I still plan on changing it out at some point.
Numbers for tonight:
pH: 5.5
PPM: 950
I flushed nutes tonight and used 3/4 strength flowering nutes this time to keep my PPM down for a few days (she's still recovering a bit from the high PPM after last...
pH: 6.1
PPM: 1150
Looking good, but my water level is getting a bit low. I'll probably do a flush tomorrow.
Nothing new other than that. Here's a picture. Tomorrow I'll take a photo before training as well so you can see how she's growing!
Hi folks,
pH: 6.25
PPM: 1000
Numbers are looking good. Didn't have to change anything today. Not much to update since trimming this afternoon, but here's another picture because she's pretty. The one large branch sticking up above the rest is the one that I broke a few days...