EC is measured in Siemens per meter. (S/m). Convinient unit is microseimens per centimeter (uS/cm) or milisiemens per centimeter (mS/cm). What is often refered as EC is actually mS/cm, so if you want that measurement you just divide uS unit with 1000.
TDS (ppm) is actually not a very good...
I thing Heisenberg wrote somewhere that he uses res temps highter then 70 in his res with bennies, but I can't find it now. Can anyone here remember anything about that?
Could it be that the buds were packed too tight, so buds forming on the tips shaded lower nodes, causing them to go popcorn instad of forming larger flower clusters that join into a big cola?
Third or fourth week is about the time when stretch ends. Are you sure there is something actually wrong and it isn't just a normal phase in bud development?
Perhaps you should not be comparing bud size but yield per watt (or yield per lumen to be more exact). It could turn out your friend gets more in size but less in number.
I was also having size concerns some time ago, but it turned out my 20 L (a bit over 5 gal) buckets are just enough. I'm on week 4 of flower, my plant is slightly bigger then yours and I'm doing fine. I just change res every 5 or 6 days when they consume about 4/5 of the total res volume.
By the way, my electric company is doing some works and I'll have no power (AKA no air pumps) for 7 hours. Can bennies survive that long without a pump? I hope that shit des not mess up my grow... :(
I'v read that it cna contain all kinds of pathogens it picks up from the atmosphere. I' haven't tried it, but if I did', I'd be sure to boil it before use.
I said it often isn't very exact in a sense that reactions (specially organics like this one involving sugar) are rarely in practice as simple as "add A and B and you get C". Often depending on the minor changes in the enviroment you get totally different products from the same stuff. With sugar...
Magic root slime?
You'll first kill a lot of benneficial organisms on your roots. Then you'll use up peroxide oxidising some of the sugar to who the f*ck knows what (chemistry is not a very exact science), and then the rest of sthe sugar will feed whatever microorganisms left and allow them to...
Ok, I can generaly agree that removing leaves should reduce amount of energy plant can gather and use for growth, BUT
I'm 20 days into flower, SCROG setup. Plant has four masive branches with huge fan leaves and some thinner side branches. Those younger branches were at places quite weak with...