yeah, not going to happen...if your not sick, grow your own...
i called the DAV and they were nice, but really didn't want to help...
im kind of at a stalemate here...
Can you speed up a later harvest plant with lots of bloom nutes?
no, you can stress and burn them....
Anyone ever use their res water from inside on their outdoor crops to get more out of those expensive nutes?
my nutes aren't expensive....yours don't have to be ether...
revegging is when plants starts to bud...but the days get too long for them to finish..and they go back to veg mode...
you lose 6-8 weeks of veg time (making plants smaller and yield less)
you said you live in the boonies...could you use supplemental lighting? i do...that way i get an extra...
good idea i called ...they were hella rude...
they said laws prevent them from giving out any patient info...they also said they wont dispense it...doh...
um...they are going to start to bud in a few weeks...there isn't enough sunlight hours yet...too early...they will start to bud and as the days get longer they will reveg...(do not want)
there has been like 4 of these posts in the last 2 weeks...might want to go check them out....
i heard good things about empire soils....
also you can call landscaping places ...and ask for amended soil....ones here sell for $50 a yard....but you gotta add perlite and other goodies still....