nono that's a fair question thank you for bringing it up. where does that limit stem from? why 1 ounce? why not 5 grams like Amsterdam? why not a pound? id like to know that as well, but i still stand by saying some is better than none.
note: every time i see your avatar i think of team america...
true very true it does and no matter the legislation or state or even federal change i believe there will always be restrictions. similar to alcohol. they may grow more lenient, but we are remiss to think the government wont want their cut. i too would love to see far less restriction, but again...
well stated. yes absolutely lets not make such wild assumptions. prop 19 will do NOTHING to change 215. i hope someday to open a restaurant for savory "space" dishes such as "space" chicken kiev or "cannabis" beef wellington. ok so i need better names, but you get the idea.
im generally a very aggressive man, but im very passionate about this subject... especially since im dry and have no way to get my since more normal sellers (i hate dealing with black market and my illegal plants have a while to go) is in jail. please lets stay on point. there's pleanty of other...
i apologize for the assumption, but yes if i could get a cookie or in this props terms an ounce legally and without reprisal i would be in seventh heaven.
as much as that made me laugh and i commend you for your brass balls, please lets try to remain civil.
your previous post i very much agree with. the demands we are seeing are simply absurd.
Ah ha!...tHeIr's I's problum!
Exactly...Thank you! Your post that followed this one also:joint::joint::joint::joint:
I don't have to imagine this...I am from the Midwest...In '94 we drove east after the West Coast leg of the Grateful Dead's Summer Tour...I am from KC so we kicked it...
scheduling has to change first. im not religious in any way, but i pray that will happen shortly after prop 19 shows the invalidity of their claims of it being a schedule 1 even though 215 failed to. i believe it needs to be made highly publicized and 19 has a chance to do just that.
most welcome. i have no desire whatsoever to get into any kind of fight. my only hope is to educate (i understand yours is the same with merely a different PoV). help people see beyond normal limitations.
i have spent alot of time doing research of the implications and statistical analysis. if...
imagine for a moment not living in California. imagine carrying 1 single gram could net you (no matter your demographic) a hefty fine and up to a year in prison + forced rehabilitation and probation. imagine growing 1 of your gorgeous plants (saw your grow, great work) only to have it seized...
ill happily buy from a licensed dispensary if i can finally do it without fear and i know many would feel the same. you also have the option to grow your own.
2012 is a hope and a dream. one that does not disappear because prop 19 is in place. Jack Herer is correct however narrow minded his...
im sorry but you are still thinking too limited. if it does nothing more than show the rest of the country its not evil then its done more than its worth of a job. those 18-20 are just going to have to suck it up for 1-3 more years. theres alot larger of a picture that is being addressed. you...