i think we can all agree none of us want a limit, but that is unrealistic and will never pass even on a state level.even with alcohol, by law a purveyor cannot sell to a drunk patron. learned that working at Dave and Busters in OC, CA several years back.
i do not believe it is trickery and i...
theres really not much to say beyond "you cant please all of the people all of the time". those of us voting yes see it as a STEP in the right direction TOWARDS ending prohibition. not one person has claimed this to be a stop-gap or end-all-be-all or even a great bill. its merely an attempt at...
hmm a hophead. an assumption and an attack... thats very mature of you. there is no restriction to any kind of cannabis in this proposition. you are mistaken. calling it bait is more narrow-minded banter from a conspiracy theorist. how are the ufo's this time of year? (you get what you give)...
ok well fdd2blk... you want a more concrete reason to that specific amount... this is why
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decriminalized medical hemp Details About this report
Possession 28.5 g or less misdemeanor...
lol sorry 1 last thing. from that link posted by UncleBuck...
In the 1972 California November elections, a similar initiative to legalize cannabis was on the ballot, and coincidentally it was also named Proposition 19
kinda gives you an idea of what holding out for better can net you no? a...
there's already a few being done you can find with a quick google search. anyhow this has been a fascinating debate and i encourage everyone to discuss their fears, hopes, and concerns. keeping this kind of open dialogue is fantastic for educating. unfortunately its time for me to pass out for a...
hopefully as legislation shifts we can get some of that sweet sweet top quality Cali green. i feel your plight all too well. i haven't even SEEN any sensimilla since moving out east.
inaccurate and misleading. though the percentage may be much smaller in CA due to better strains propagated and distributed legally, MJ sold in the USA makes up for up to or more than 60% of cartel business. the other substances mentioned are not from Mexico, but muled through it on its way here.
saying it sounds like 1937 is putting it mildly. it harks back to the days of Al Capone and The Great Depression. its said if we don't learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it... well this is us repeating it. i saw a quote in another article that rings true here... this would be "The Great...
here's a small snipet from one such article...
Mexico -- A debate about legalizing marijuana and possibly other drugs - once a taboo suggestion - is percolating in Mexico, a nation exhausted by runaway violence and a deadly drug war. The debate is only likely to grow more animated if...
lets bring it back down a bit. currently Mexico is watching California legislation with close scrutiny and are contemplating following suit with legality. the war and massacres there are out of control. i believe this prop will have a major impact on the cartels livelihood and though there may...
you are not entirely incorrect. a good friend of mine is a retired L.A.P.D. undercover narcotics detective (no ive never been arrested) and though it is unconstitutional this kind of labeling and undeserved persecution happens all the time. in every state.