dont get me wrong i do not think he is a bad guy. just decidedly ignorant and arguing points that make little sense and only seem to effect him and his small community of "free everything or die trying" friends. im simply frustrated that so many are so opinionated, but wont hear both sides of...
thank you for the rep. much appreciated. good smoking all. rest assured many are being educated as the debate rolls on. currently proponents hold the majority. hurray...for now.
lastly this is the current wording on the proposition. when you go to get a guide from city hall for the upcoming election this is what it says. theres no bias here only facts.
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decriminalized medical hemp Details About this report
Possession 28.5 g or less misdemeanor none $100 More than 28.5 g misdemeanor 6 months $500 28.5 g or less on school grounds...
Just read this
Below is an open leter I received from a Prop 19 supporter. It's long but certainly worth the read:
For my support of Prop. 19, I have been subject to the scorn, approbation and the most demoralizing denunciations imaginable by a group of medical marijuana patients...
first im going to link the post spelling out the prop for you since you obviously failed to click the link. then im going to hunt down the post of exactly why its 1 ounce limit proposed for CA currently.
more wild assumptions? you really wanna use that term after what youve recently posted?
  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="arbitrary...
voting no will do nothing to change societies views on money. nor will you ever see any commodity publicly sold/distributed without limitations and taxation.
This prop has an intention of bringing in so much money to the state that would otherwise go to illegal sources from non-medical smokers. ease up on the paranoia. you being afraid of big business is not any reason we should have to wait for legalization.
you cant honestly believe a measure to...
its interesting how so many of the opponents of the bill pick and choose what they hear/read rather than looking at the bigger picture as a whole. ohnoes the rich get richer! you do know what country this is right? define capitalism. define commodity. define corporation. define change. define...
there's no point re-stating whats already been said so ill simply refer you back to for more info stated clearly, concisely, and without (much or intended) bias. educate yourself plz and stop being "short-sighted or...
USA -- Marijuana users are an extremely diverse group. Whether it be medical or recreational use, they can be found in almost every demographic imaginable in America. As such, there are a wide variety of opinions on how marijuana should be treated by society at large, as well as how to...
like what? and lets be realistic about this. we cant expect immediate full reform and its all still limited by what the DEA and other federal task forces allow to get by.
its the most current amended ready to vote text ive seen. if you find one more current please submit it here. did you read through it? i posted 2 lines that were in direct relation to your concerns. that bold text IS in the document.