grown jock horror and white widow from nirvana grow well yield well quality is ok not much for flavor but not bad strains. truthfully though compared to the elite clone only strains i grow from around socal the nirvana strains are not at the same level.
i think as someone mentioned its more of a britney spears effect people like watching celeb/politician train wrecks in the making its an american tradition.
i have a few of my own growing i bought at a garage sale/cactus sale i can still get more from that source some are really big. the other day i was out training and along a fence by some large ranch were at least 50+ san pedros growing every few feet some rooted some pieces had broken and were...
thats cool like i always say breeders work off of others work right back to the original landraces which are not as potent as todays strains anyways but can be great to breed with for stability.
so has anybody personally made an extract and been pleased with the mescaline produced? there have been threads like this before and most were not pleased or failed to make a good mescaline extract if it really can be done i want to make some as i said i can get plenty of san pedro cacti. just...
i heard she has a thread on rollitup about her thats almost 70 pages long lol. but seriously its not a repub or dem things its not a male female thing its that she is really really stupid and religious we do not need more of this on any side in this country some of her retarded quotes are...
the difference now and in the last 10 years is that the greedy govern the greedy with no checks and balances from remotely moral individuals. no matter how bad it gets its considered healthy capitalism by other greedy individuals who benefit as well. if it continues this way america will not...
one trick is to veg indoors on 24 hours light then you can get them to a good height and flower them early in spring even at 16 hours you just have to trick the plants into thinking its fall works well. any ireland growers looking for genetics let me know as a fellow mic i would love to help.
well we have a black man as prez now so maybe next time if palin gets in she can represent mentally retarded people world wide they have a voice to you know. i cant comprehend why this thread keeps going there is no hope for humanity lol.
the thing is i have acess to many many pounds of san pedro so i will stick with that fgor now. as far as extracting puremescaline i have heard that does not work well have you done that personally of course an extract would be best. but i wonder if it can be done properly with relative ease.
whatever you do dont take benzos or ssris they are bad news believe me i dont know where to begin on that subject. anyways for anxiety most good indicas work fine and select non-speedy sativa dom plants like blue dream can help with depression. besides that serious physical activity will reduce...