was that directed at me kushman? if it was well i dont live vicariously through any outlet lol. anyways i have taken said drug makes you drowsy through the next day not a good high helps you sleep thats all. the reason i respond the way i do is that anyone who cannot through research answer...
tends to cherry pick what he is willing to argue about and ignores things he has no answer for typical on these type of threads a round and a round we go. p.s. no one cares what your father taught you lol.
be wary of pharmaceuticals they can ruing your life real quick and not just opiates either. fun at first then bad times a plenty. dont mean to preach people can do what they want but i would never have messed with them had i known the possible consequences. i have family that are still addicted...
so madcow how do you feel about killing simple organisms or animals with regards to your understanding of conciousness? plants show what they like and dislike right from germination are they concious simply from showing responses? non-vertabrate organisms do the same how would a fetus with an...
christians think that people who are not christians burn in hell for eternity. now of course thats crazy and stupid but if christian's really think that how is that different from muslims wanting to kill your physical body. then again the muslim view depends on which muslims you talk to the same...
i harvest when trichs are more or less all cloudy i dont wait for amber trichs with most strains. even with indicas i do it this way i have no problems with potency and my indicas put me and others on there asses.
as someone else mentioned most women dont know there pregnant at 3 weeks so that makes no sense at all. im not for free for all abortion practices or for having abortions simply for convenience. but it is legitimate in certain circumstances beside women have abortions where it is illegal anyways...
christians are almost always hypocrites when it comes to what they want and dont want. they want to have there cake and eat it to as always. they also are the first to go from intelectual discussion to name calling etc.. which shows the weakness of there arguments on whichever subject it may be...
i had not seen that commercial funny yeah i race a bit right now im sponsored partially by a dispensary they give me gear and pay my race fees im the only person i know sponsored by anything cannabis related.
yeah i guess as long as there was no good apple around to use instead funny shit. there are some uncomfortable people on here good for a laugh and entertaining.
dumb ass og's dont create great strains anyways people who do illegal things and look the part only create jail time for themselves. the real breeders are low key and would not make up a stupid name like original ganster regardless of if thats the most popular term for this strain knowadays. i...
heres what og kush means i will clear it up once and for all it means real good hybrid weed some of the best currently available anywhere. the wordplay does not matter lets move on. now finding true og that represent what it really is is the hard part.