• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

49 million to five



we have now officially entered the twilight zone.

1. yes, great idea. that way when the terrorists fly planes into our "gardens" the whole world will starve...seriously...this has got to be a troll or i want to know what you grew that made you think that even makes sense.

2 the garden of eden? you cannot be this stupid. AGRICULTURE, THATS HOW THEY ATE BEFORE WALMART FOOD CENTER WAS INVENTED...:clap::clap::clap::clap:

dude, seriiously...stay in school bud. you have a long way to go...
1. jeff... think this through past step 1... A few miles high structure... what kind of base do you think would be needed for something like that? It would be the largest manmade structure. Good luck getting a plane (or even a few planes) to take down a single one. I've considered the risk/safety precautions, trust me buddy.

2. You said farming was started a couple hundred years ago... you're retarded. Farming was started a couple THOUSAND years ago, 8,000 years ago, in the Fertile Crescent. 12,000 years ago in southeast Asia...

But nevermind all of that... lets just keep fighting over all the resources.. :clap:


Well-Known Member
......... a girl who is raped and impregnated by her uncle or dad should not have that baby for many reasons in such circumstances and a few others i am for abortion as an option.
....And the idea that women who have been raped should be forced to relive the assault for nine months and then give birth to the result of such a horrible act makes me sick....
Capital punishment inflicted upon the child for the sins of the father.great idea!!
to save the life of the mother is a different story.
its a shame most pro-choice advocates didnt have mothers who felt the same way.
women have a right to do to what they want to their bodies until that choice affects another.life begins at conception so if they don't want a baby,they need to prevent one from starting.
having 3 teenagers,I might become prochoice if abortion was legel up until 18 yrs of age.whats the difference between a fetus @ 14 weeks and a child @3 months?


Well-Known Member
I don't want any part of the war in Iraq, but im still paying for that huh? I don't want to pay for a bridge to nowwhere alaska, but one day I will.... I don't want to pay for foreign aid to other countries when we can't get out of the way of our own shit pile..

P.S. Ann is a crazy hateful bitch...
and with that remark, apparently you are as well.

i have absolutely no bias towards ann coulter. I disagree with a lot of what she says (as well as agree with some as well)

of all the childish things we learn to undo, name calling and insults seem to be the hardest adolescent habit to rid of, even in so called "mature adults".


Well-Known Member
can i call em or can i call em? :clap::clap:

he probably doesnt even know what we are laughing about...priceless:clap::clap::clap::clap:
Oh I'm aware of what he was trying to do. He assumed the antecedent of 'we' was the 'you guys' I was criticizing you for using, thus attempting to expose a contradiction. But you see, he was a wee bit confused in his hasty assumption - I certainly was not speaking on behalf of the liberals you like to blanket and type caste with your bigotry and simple-minded intellect. I'm not one you could label so easily. I just like civil discourse and resorting to fallacy stymies my efforts to broadcast thoughtful dialogue, so I will continue to rebuke you every time you fall prey to faulty logic.

jeff f

New Member
1. jeff... think this through past step 1... A few miles high structure... what kind of base do you think would be needed for something like that? It would be the largest manmade structure. Good luck getting a plane (or even a few planes) to take down a single one. I've considered the risk/safety precautions, trust me buddy.

2. You said farming was started a couple hundred years ago... you're retarded. Farming was started a couple THOUSAND years ago, 8,000 years ago, in the Fertile Crescent. 12,000 years ago in southeast Asia...

But nevermind all of that... lets just keep fighting over all the resources.. :clap:
you comprehension is terrible. i was refering to the lenght of time the usa had been farming. the sentence was probably poorly written so you get a pass.

farm towers are stupid. maybe if you really wanted to do it in say the middle of japan where there is very little room and massive populations. but not here. they would make huge miltary and terror targets. i could think of at least a half dozen tactics to make them completely usless or toxic. not to mention the engineering costs, and fertilizing harvesting etc. they would drive the price of food through the roof. but you may like that cuz only rich would be able to afford the food grown on such a structure. unless you are planning on combining this with the idea of culling people from the planet. you could sure starve alot of people using this method.....dumb idea.


Well-Known Member
How about churches no longer being tax free if they want to try to dictate how tax dollars are spent?:twisted:

quoted for truth.

any anyone who posts an article by anne coulter should never be taken seriously.
Vi Redd in particular.

someone feed that anne coulter bitch a cheeseburger, goddamn.

jeff f

New Member
Oh I'm aware of what he was trying to do. He assumed the antecedent of 'we' was the 'you guys' I was criticizing you for using, thus attempting to expose a contradiction. But you see, he was a wee bit confused in his hasty assumption - I certainly was not speaking on behalf of the liberals you like to blanket and type caste with your bigotry and simple-minded intellect. I'm not one you could label so easily. I just like civil discourse and resorting to fallacy stymies my efforts to broadcast thoughtful dialogue, so I will continue to rebuke you every time you fall prey to faulty logic.
making a cock out of liberals is not bigotry. talking down to you is not bigotry, not serving you at my place of business is not bigotry. your a liberal i can discriminate against you any time i want. if you fill out an application for my business i would say, nope i dont hire liberals and i would be completely within my rights.

liberals are not a protected listee for equal oppurtunity/


Well-Known Member
making a cock out of liberals is not bigotry. talking down to you is not bigotry, not serving you at my place of business is not bigotry. your a liberal i can discriminate against you any time i want. if you fill out an application for my business i would say, nope i dont hire liberals and i would be completely within my rights.

liberals are not a protected listee for equal oppurtunity/
You make me laugh, feeble man.

Big P

Well-Known Member

the reason so many women get all riled up about abortion is because they have had one and deep down inside they know that its wrong most specially if the abortion was not taken care of at the very begining of the pregnancy

I submit, if you were not ready for the possibility of getting pregnant then you should not have stuck the cock inside you

to come back later and lance your own child due to your own incompitance is some evil shit

many times more evil than bringing freedom through nessecary war to millions of people and a growing list of nations

but these same hypocrates act like they are holyer than thou when it come to war and killing

i guess its one things to kill al queda fighters who are grown men on the battle field

and a whole nother thing hireing a doctor to kill your half born little boy or gurl before they can even taste thier first breath.

they should make a rule if you cant get the abortion done within the frirst 2 - 3 weeks then you missed the bus

some grown up needs to put limits on this shit. i feel like we are surounded by greedy selfish children somtimes and im talking about our leaders in washington


you comprehension is terrible. i was refering to the lenght of time the usa had been farming. the sentence was probably poorly written so you get a pass.
farm towers are stupid. maybe if you really wanted to do it in say the middle of japan where there is very little room and massive populations. but not here. they would make huge miltary and terror targets. i could think of at least a half dozen tactics to make them completely usless or toxic. not to mention the engineering costs, and fertilizing harvesting etc. they would drive the price of food through the roof. but you may like that cuz only rich would be able to afford the food grown on such a structure. unless you are planning on combining this with the idea of culling people from the planet. you could sure starve alot of people using this method.....dumb idea.
You screw up on communicating and my comprehension is terrible... great logic!

I don't believe you're qualified to accurately assess my idea, so for now, all you have is an opinion. If you feel you are, go right ahead, I'm always interested in criticism, it'll only make the idea better right?

the reason so many women get all riled up about abortion is because they have had one and deep down inside they know that its wrong most specially if the abortion was not taken care of at the very begining of the pregnancy

No. So many people are vocal about abortion because what it comes down to is the exact same thing as drugs, what someone is (or should be) allowed to do with their own body. Those who are "pro-choice" tend to favor no government intervention, not officially banning it by making it illegal and also not officially supporting it via federal funding. People who are "pro-life" usually support criminalizing it, which wouldn't decrease the number of abortions performed, just increase the number of "criminals" out of otherwise law abiding citizens. Ironic on every other instance government intervention is the worst idea imaginable, nothing but socialism!! Odd indeed...

I submit, if you were not ready for the possibility of getting pregnant then you should not have stuck the cock inside you

Wow, you just totally solved the problem... I mean, it's that simple? Just don't stick the cock inside the vagina and nobody will get pregnant? Jesus, why didn't I think of that?!

to come back later and lance your own child due to your own incompitance is some evil shit

It's not a "child" at the point of legal abortion procedures.

many times more evil than bringing freedom through nessecary war to millions of people and a growing list of nations

Opinion. I completely disagree with this also. "Neccessary war" is a term used by powerful people to keep the serfs (you and me) in check and under control. They sell it to you, and you buy it at the price of future generations in blood. Millions of innocent people don't deserve, or want, your kind of "freedom" - that which is brought on through active violence is not freedom at all. Take a page out of Ghandi's book... and if that's too far off or foreign for your taste, didn't the messiah say something about turning the other cheek..?

but these same hypocrates act like they are holyer than thou when it come to war and killing

Sometimes abortions are neccessary. Make it illegal and you are taking away another Americans right to choose to save their own life should the circumstances arise where such a procedure would be deemed neccessary by even the dr. in charge. The most qualified, knowledgable individual, who consequently holds the heaviest opinion regarding the abortion.

i guess its one things to kill al queda fighters who are grown men on the battle field

and a whole nother thing hireing a doctor to kill your half born little boy or gurl before they can even taste thier first breath.

You, sir, are brainwashed. Why do you think zombie movies are such classics? How the hell do you "kill" something that isn't "alive" in the first place? Till you answer that question, your accusation isn't valid.

they should make a rule if you cant get the abortion done within the frirst 2 - 3 weeks then you missed the bus

...:facepalm:... You do know the average range women tend to find out they're pregnant, right? That is... usually sometime after they miss their period... that is, 30 days - 4 weeks, after conception...?

Think that one over again...

some grown up needs to put limits on this shit. i feel like we are surounded by greedy selfish children somtimes and im talking about our leaders in washington

Just what we need, more restrictions on stuff daddy government thinks they know what's best for us more than we do for ourselves!


Well-Known Member
The ideal Abortion would be killing the mother and saving the baby/fetus/child/other scientific term.

this way you Save and protect innocent life and kill the evil/selfish.


Well-Known Member
would you feel the same if you knew the fetus was gonna grow up and be a homosexual?
would you save it then?


New Member
I can understand the anti abortion crowd, but there is a foundational premise which is incorrect.

Life is sacred.

It is not. Man has proven that since he could wield a weapon.

It's high horse talk, and incorrect. We SAY one thing, but we do another.

Even a Christian would have to admit that, if they read their own Bible.

So, let's not be hypocrites.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
christians are almost always hypocrites when it comes to what they want and dont want. they want to have there cake and eat it to as always. they also are the first to go from intelectual discussion to name calling etc.. which shows the weakness of there arguments on whichever subject it may be. so either lifes sacred or its not which is it you cant pick and choose. various wars and invasions ok abortion under any circumstance not ok wtf.

Big P

Well-Known Member
i have no problem killing grown men the problem is when u kill little babies

and yes the fetus is developed in most abortions some are done during parcial birth

its not your right to do with your own body cuz once the fetus is pretty matured its another human inside of you if its risking the moms life is one thing

but advocating that you should be allowed to kill another humans body just cuz its in your stomach because your too lazy to have it and give it up for adoption is wrong

i didnt say we should make it illigal i said they should a have a limit of up 3 three weeks after that too bad i mean we need some level heads here

i mean some of these pro choice fucks wont be happy till they are allowed to kill thier baby for up to the first 3 years after being born

you dont have the "right" to kill humans even if you were the one creating it,

u ever heard the baby scream when its being aborted?

just so you know whos side your on :

dont tell me its not developed

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
as someone else mentioned most women dont know there pregnant at 3 weeks so that makes no sense at all. im not for free for all abortion practices or for having abortions simply for convenience. but it is legitimate in certain circumstances beside women have abortions where it is illegal anyways so it will happen regardless. so grown men are ok to kill fetuses are not what about all the inocent people we kill in these little holy wars we wage? why are the anti-abortion people not as up in arms about that? hypocracy.

Big P

Well-Known Member
guys everybody knows life is not sacred

i say kill the more the merrier and kill the right people

but at least have the decency to kill grownups fuck

its cowardess to kill the inocent

its a matter of being a man

a man kills to defend his family and community

he does not kill his unborn children he is supposed to nurture them to make his comunity better so they can grow up to kill our enemies too

no hypocrate

now if your telling me i need to kill 40 million babies or every human on earth including my clan would die then thats an easy one i go kill the 40 million babies to save the rest of humaity

then ill prolly off myself afterwords knowing i served my people well

but to kill a baby cuz you are a lazy irresponsible piece of shit is the ultimate cowardess