You girls can sit around and spout your insults at me and make my dick tingle till I burst and I can sit here and respond in gratitude. Your choice ladies. Suck my dick or gtfo.
I have my different opinions on shit. Everyone has there opinions. Don't like it, fuck off. The Indians cut people up, enslaved each other, and made mistakes just like everyone else. We had a war over the land, we one. Its not a big deal. We don't have to sit around and moan about what is a...
I call them Americans because they became Americans. You kids really get worked up over this "who rightfully owns America" subject don't ya? Lmao that is the cause of letting too many immigrants into your country. No one can decide who should run.
Btw kiddos, I don't know how me saying the that the Indians didn't govern this land was racist or anywhere near that of a KKK member but uh .. think what you like. ( :
I live in the city dipshit. I drink occasionally, and yes its hard to get a plant growing out here in a suburban area full of families of children and a school right down the road. Its very nerve wrecking. Ah and I do know the difference. Knocking on my spelling errors makes you feel like a big...
True. The Indians had kid napped several women and raped them. It was like a repeating process. Indians attacked the people invading there land, the Americans attacked back, and so on. Like Nascar the circle never ends.
Ya can out smart me huh? Alrighty then here. We have different opinions me boys. I can type faster then I can talk so I do make errors every now and then. Admit I do. Don't we all? I don't like the idea of this country denying its heirs the credit for making it what it is. You kids go on ahead...