Obvious black man obvious. My grandma (who isn't around anymore so dont say shit about her) tells me spices can sometimes distract the scent away from other pests. Gotta admit, you groups are really getting worked up over this American land. This be bout the only country that people DONT know...
Uncle buck is it? I take it you don't like the ideal of a white man being the founder of America? You mad then huh? Got you all upset running around prancing like a little girl. Oh and yes .. my English is perfect. Back when I posted that I was still smoking, and for obvious reasons I had to...
I didn't make it a race issue. The negro on earlier did. Btw .... you can suck up all you want but Americans did make this country what it is today. Every country was founded on blood land. People were killed to retain territory. Oh and I'm a lawyer. I doubt you pip squeaks have the room to...
Mexico actually had Indians enslaved for a long time once. lol Slavery was a big thing for countries back then. I wasn't alive back then and things aren't like that anymore *coughs Except Africa* so I don't worry. Why do negros always bring up "blacks were the first people"? Weirdo's. America...
"why do stupid people say stupid things and " , , ,stuff" . . .." Dude are you fucking kidding me? You kids really think people would have just left this big ass piece of land "America" to the Indians? Around those times people were fucking developing at a fast pace. *coughs Except Africa*...
If the white men who had taken over the land of America had not over thrown the Indians living on this land, China or someone else would have eventually. The Indians were living in Teepees, while else Europe and China and other places were in palaces, houses and such. The Americans came around...
0cali Americans founded there land. End of story. It takes a government to rule a land. Something the Indians did not have. They lived in Teepees for fucks sake.
Should they be changing colors? Uh no. They will get a little darker from being wet in the paper towel when you transport them from the towel to the dirt.
I always thought the little yellow fuckers looked cool. Nah though, I moved to the city so all my crops are being continued off by a friend of mine deep down East in Texas.