I'm not a cop. lol That was the dude who wrote the petition. Have ya even heard of the petition page on the white house site? Well glad I can assist you to it. lol @ me being a cop. I couldn't take myself to putting people behind bars like they were animals. I would kill myself if I ever became...
Thats the information on the inmate who was sent to the pen as a teenager for a marijuana charge. He needs to be released. I couldn't imagine serving that many years in the pen for something as small as a possession charge. A first offense at that? Uh ah nope! Anyways that is why I posted this...
Pardon Jason Spyres (K99397), an Illinois inmate serving a 30 year ( now on 9th year) sentence on a marijuana charge.
I was the...
Yeah I've always wanted to try a hit of acid but I've never come across it down here. On the other hand ... where I used to live magic mushrooms are everywhere. The first time I ate mushrooms ... was the best time. lol I can say that.
Haa you had a random veg plant pop up in a compost pile too? I had a cucumber plant pop up out of my compost pile last year and had it growing all year up untill september. It caught some type of plant disease and died on me. I was really looking forward to the thing producing.
Yeah the lopes look okay to me. I only fed mine a hit of miracle grow once every month and a half and they grew out just fine. I did have one die due to overwatering but uh ... that was because it rained on em pretty hard and caused my watering schedule to go quirky on me.
Ha alright now its my turn to make a stupid comment. I have always wondered .... the quote people always have below their comments .... how do you make that? I looked in the questions and answers area but I didn't see nothing about it. Only about growing ... which I'm pretty fond of already.
Oh and uh ... I'd hate to start a website war. I kind of just wanted to show people how immature and weird it is to go off ramping about another forum so that others could look back and remember how stupid this looks. It would help. I mean ... I've seen lots of other forums making fun of each...
I doubt it will be the kind of traffic we want, April. Most likely some idiots will come by to talk a little trash then go back to their skunk forum. I recently moved to a school district in the city not too long ago so I can't grow as of now. I wouldn't post photos of my lovables anyways ...
I would think it was a seed bought from some old timing import grown in bulk rather then a specific strain. Wow though ... I bet that seed thought it'd never come alive and be grown. :leaf:Turtle Hermit***
Lol Tony I just now looked at your profile picture. I've been up all night so I'm thinking a little slow at the moment. Funny shit. Yeah though I noticed this site has alot of members and alot of newbs posting dumb questions. I used to frequent another grow site a few years back when I was...
Frankly I find it quite immature to post an entire thread about another grow site. I've seen the same being done to Grasscity as well so uh ... I guess its normal.
Yeah I actually notice more older people on riu opposed to the younger ones. You really don't usually see people stating their age but when I do see someone stating their age they almost always are in their mid thirties or older. I myself am 20. I live in one of the main states you hear about...
http://www.marijuanagrowing.eu/newbs-at-rollitup-org-t36221.html <--- These assholes have alot of crap to say about rollitup. It really annoys me when I read it because I have been to such web sites as grass city and I found roll it up to be the better. Just take a look at this site and tell me...
REESE'S PUFFS REESE'S PUFFS! Is by far the BEST cereal to eat after smoking. If anyone has anything to say against Reese's Puffs cereal please write the complaint on a piece of paper and shove it up your ass. Thank you.
Yeah I was fucking with you when I said your plants were trash. Yah ... you know like I joked on this thread? Notice I typed in all caps when I said your plants were trash? Lol yeah if your sativa seeds were small then they weren't given enough nitrogen or something. I can't remember if it was...