haha "keep yr gov't hands off my shitty ass education system". has he said that yet? hahaha*debt
everyone look at their keyboard. the 'p' and the 'b' are very far apart.
this is not a spelling error, this is his best attempt at spelling the word.
this is, in my experience, typical of the state of texas education system.
snap!seriously kid, we all know you are not a lawyer...and your family is not wealthy (i believe that's how they refer to it, not RICH lol) you are a kid, living in a "suburban" city (whatever the hell that is), who can't take his happy ass out to buy a bag of $2 dirt from walmart, doesn't know the name for a light socket but has a 200 watt cfl, and wants to save money to move to a "cheap" city in california. wow you're funny. and kinda' sad actually. you don't know what america stands for, how it was developed, Christ you don't even know that kidnapped is one word. like someone said, sad reflection on the state of america's sub-standard educational system.
you need to do as many drugs as you can little brother cause life isn't going to get any better for you![]()
and this is how the military doesnt need a draftI have my different opinions on shit. Everyone has there opinions. Don't like it, fuck off. The Indians cut people up, enslaved each other, and made mistakes just like everyone else. We had a war over the land, we one. Its not a big deal. We don't have to sit around and moan about what is a normality in making a country. Slaughter comes hand in hand with war.
the banks mostlyI swear ... this is the most confusing country. We can't even accept our founding fathers. So who does own this country if we as Americans don't? lol
the banks mostly
is that your closing argument, mr. lawyer dude?Eh this is useless. You idiots must think countries are made off people giving out milk & cookies. STOP WAR! WAR IS BAD! Pffft fucking hippies.
thanks for being more in depthThe ignorance about First Nation peoples is absolutely astounding. It's a part of American history and hardly anyone has a fucking clue. First of all there were hundreds of different tribes with entirely different cultures, languages, customs, types of homes, diet, spirituality. Teepees were used by Plains tribes. Permanent homes for most of the other tribes. The Navajo tribe had huge orchards of peach trees. They were once called The Lord of The Earth by other tribes. They had two types of homes one for summer and one for winter. Pueblo people have been living in towns long before Europeans came up with the concept. What about the mound builders? The Mandan? Not all Native Americans were egalitarian. Most had gardens and orchards and livestock.
I best most of you didn't know that the Constitution was based on the Great Haudenosaunee Law of Peace. Which governed the 6 (so-called) civilized tribes. The Oneida, Mohawk, Cayuga, Onondaga, the Seneca and Tuscarora. Which had a provision regarding the equality of women that was left out of the Constitution of the U.S.. Nor, do I suspect, that any of you know the stories of raping and pillaging savage "Indians" were (in the most part) propaganda used to justify atrocities against native peoples. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm saying it was a rare incident.
All of that pales in comparison to atrocities like The Sandcreek Massacre, Wounded Knee, The Trial of Tears, The Long Walk, Canyon del Muerto, The forced relocation of Apache, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole to Oklahoma. The deaths were in the hundreds of thousands. By the time America was done, 1/3 of the native population was wiped out by disease (introduced deliberately or by accident), massacre, relocation, and starvation.
We had a holocaust in this country and to this day our government will not acknowledge it.
Native americans did govern their tribes and lands with officials. They actually had established nations and borders with political interaction.If the white men who had taken over the land of America had not over thrown the Indians living on this land, China or someone else would have eventually. The Indians were living in Teepees, while else Europe and China and other places were in palaces, houses and such. The Americans came around and civilized the land, built houses, a government, and presidents to rule over. The Indians would not been able to do that, did not want to do that, and would have surely took years to do so if the Americans had not. Now a user named 0calli did not like my opinion on that but too fucking bad. Deal with it. We did not steal the land. According to the way of conquering, those that claim land must govern the land with officials.![]()
what's "made off"?Eh this is useless. You idiots must think countries are made off people giving out milk & cookies. STOP WAR! WAR IS BAD! Pffft fucking hippies.
Pussy pancakes got nothing on blue waffles. cnMmmmmmm, pancakes.
gross . . .. . . .You girls can sit around and spout your insults at me and make my dick tingle till I burst and I can sit here and respond in gratitude. Your choice ladies. Suck my dick or gtfo.