Both ways work but I prefer trimming all at once before it dries as well...for the same reason poly mentioned. My suggestion..try both and see what you way to find out.
I grow because I just wanna fit in and to be self sufficient of course. Sucks being at the mercy of greedy mofos. When the quality is good they gouge and when it's shit they lace it with I like knowing what goes into my bud like most people. Labour of love!!!
Some people are against peat pellets...they work great. I like rockwool and aerocloners of course but the pellets are easy to handle...rockwool causes a lil respiratory tract irritation when handled dry. Use whatever works for you.
I don't smoke blunts regularly but enjoy them on special occasions. I smoke potent shit too that will rock you in 5 tokes the most but when it ain't as potent I'll still smoke it. I say fuck it...smoke what you want how you want it. Bud prudes make me piss my pants...gotta go change my...
Hey...just a few questions so I can get a better picture. What are you using for nutrient and how often are you feeding? When you water, are you watering with straight tap water at a pH of 6 or are you adjusting to around 6.5 as you should? Also, the nutrient will cause acidity when added to...
I get em going in complete darkness...first in a moistened paper towel until i see a taproot an 1/8" long then buried 1/4"-1/2" deep in rockwool. If they are weak from the start...I don't bother with them
This might sound a lil excessive but you can try drawing(intake) air in by drilling a hole into the wall inside the closet and placing a screen over it to eliminate any type of contaminants and leave your exhaust as is OR you can exhaust into the wall in the closet and intake from your room.
As mentioned...less water, less nutrients, and more light. I see some clawing and new growth tip burn...over fertilization. BTW...I'm Cannabian too and don't agree with the lack of selection comment when it comes to and you shall find.
Is there any way you can at least run a new circuit from the panel and a new plug temporarily into your grow? I wouldn't say that a digital ballast is safer regardless. I think the problem is with the line/circuit. Old wiring/receptacle...TROUBLE! If the breaker is faulty, you can...
Sounds like you might need a new service and upgraded panel. One piece of advice...don't take a chance with old wiring when it comes to such loads. It's a recipe for disaster especially if you burn down your house. ALWAYS use new wiring and receptacles/switches when it comes to these types of...
The only advice I wanna give is keep it your experience grows so will your confidence and ability to test various nutrients and concentrations alike. If all is going well...keep doing what is already working and keep notes of every step along the way so you can fine tune it the next...
Hey, just gonna state my opinion as I'm sure many might disagree. If you are capable of doing a lil research and working with a few your own. Save the funds for the veg and bloom stages as most cloners are a ripoff. You can very easily build your own unit for $50-70...
Im with Opm, enclosed hood...filter placed first, then hood, and finally exhaust fan to outlet. As long as you maintain slightly more exhaust as you do intake pressure(negative pressure), it's a matter of getting fresh intake air in and exhausting the warm air to another room. If you CAN...cut...