Hey, as far as I know 6 plants and up is mandatory minimum of 6 months. The catch is u will still get bum fucked with less if they can prove trafficking. Thanks to the government, it seems eventually nobody will be able to grow shit and if u want bud ull have to buy it from a licensed grower...
Bottom line...if women let it hang out, u can't blame guys for being guys. Whether the girl wants the attention or not guess what...ur gonna get it. Even when it ain't hangin out and a lady is well endowed it can still be awkward. I think it's ok to look but there's a difference between a...
Hey...a 30x would be the minimum as a 60-100x would be better. I have no problem with the pocket scopes with built in led. I like the 60x...cheap and works great.
Hey, just let it dry before watering again. U can stick ur finger near the edge of the pot to make sure the first inch of soil is completely dry. Also, take not of the weight of the pot when dry and watch the leaf for a little wilt so u know when to water again. I'd give it enough water to...
I like smoking a pipe but that shit smells like hell...don't wanna get caught with that plus I feel like a crack head smoking it in public. I tried the vaporizer and it works great but again, I'd only be able to use that while in hiding. Joints are good for me as I quit smoking cigarettes and...
That sucks...u gotta go where most are unwilling to go. Find a spot that u can barely get to. Find patches of poisin ivy and anything with thorns. Use the environment to ur advantage so u can minimize the risk of theft. Get used to travelling through the thickest bush u can find. Whatever u...
Great idea with the bacon. Febreeze is heat score as cops know ur hiding something. Move those bitches for piece of mind then just worry about killing that smell(ozium/ona gel). At least if they are off the premises they can't find shit as long as u remove all traces of grow equipment as...
Hey, I only ever used paper towel method with great success. I learned real quick to transfer the seed to rockwool as soon as it cracks. I like the paper towel method because I can check it every 12 hours as they are usually ready in less than 2 days. I also like to take only the seeds that...
Hey, no need to worry as pH flutuactions are norma. The reason for this is hydronium will be absorbed by the plant as it uses up the nitrogen. This lack of hydronium will cause a shift toward alkalinity. Some people adjust pH every 24 hours to account for this change. U can also add a...
In general, there is no substitute for the sun's intensity and the size of the root ball can grow much larger due to available space. The larger the root system down below, the larger the plant will be.
Hey, I wouldn't be rubbing those nutsacks if I were u. Try the product by Dutchmaster called Reverse...it takes care of the pollen sacks for u. I've seen herms with very little seed and with a shit load so I wouldn't chance it by just pulling the nuts off. The best bud I ever didn't inhale...
Damn...if ur growing pot illegally I wouldn't even fart in public. I'd take the loss and learn from it. Either way, u don't wanna piss off the coppers and bring more trouble to ur house. In the ideal world coppers gotta play by the rules but we don't live in that world and ur grow was...
Hey, more info is needed. What type of medium(soil/hydro), pH, nutrients, lighting type and distance, growroom temp & humidity, and anything else u can think of.