yes he dosent need Co2 or A/c plus he cant afford a fan how would he get a Co2 system and reg and tank and censor etc etc etc..... No he just needs a basic inline fan and a outlet to outside or attic.....
Wammo first inline fan that came up on ebay is 70 bucks 30 bucks more then then that booster fan...... FREE SHIPPING........ heres the link!!!!! like i said...
i was going leave it be but he had to jump in callin me names so F*ck him its his theard not mine if he thinks hes punishing me by filling it with BS arguments with me then thats a laugh...So you wanna be a dick after i let it die so be it.....
and you dont need an intake fan at the bottom if you get a proper exhaust fan at the top, a 4" will create plenty of passive intake for a small grow......
I see cheap fans on ebay all the time i see them new i see them used i see them on craigs all the time too .....If you hang out at your local hydro store prolly talk to someone that would sale you one ....... put some effort into it , I spent 6 months saving and researching what i wanted to buy...
if you dont have the funds to buy a basic 4" fan around 100 bucks then you should have waited tell you had the money saved before you bought your clones/seeds.... This stuff is basic grow room gear you need this is somthing you should have squared away before anything else....... the hole in...
led usering dont like it when you say stuff like that dont you guys already have a 900 page thread on this very subject?? not enough ego boosting for one thread need another one too? here comes the hammer down....yikes
lol its deff. NOT legal to roll around with a rifle on a rack in ca LOL.........
Also hash is kinda of a gray area the way i understand it.... The butane thing is dirty we dont buy butane hash at the club and most other clubs stay away from butane hash..... We only get Oil made from...
Yes everything your saying makes sense...... And you are righ the MOST important questions are ONE what is the ambient temps in your home.....Like you said if your house is 80 then your grow room will ALWAYS be higher then 80 unless you entroduce an outside sourse of cool air like an A/C there...
That is a good responce and with good options ....... and the best part was the last part...." it might be cheaper to just run the HPS no?" Id say yes to that one..... First thing you should consider is where is your exhuast going to?? Is it going to be directed someplace OUTSIDE or atleast...
sounds like your jumbling things togeather......A caregiver is somone who has primary care over another person.... This does not mean that the caregiver is eligable to be protected under the same rights as a prop215 patient... A caregiver is not recommended to smoke or ingest medical cannibas...
as anyone ever called a lawyer out the phone book?? its Not like they pick up the phone and start giving answers out its always a hassle you always start with a secretary that wants to know if your problem is even what that lawyer does then if it is you will need to make oppoinment and hes...
yes it sure is....... The topic kinda reminds me of when people come into the store and say wats better mylar or panda film.... To which i respond well do you Ph your water? to which they respond "no" LOL im like well then mylar vs panda is least your worries..... lol
Even if the article was wrong about light not being absorbed through the bottom of the leaves or it being unhealthy for the plant , it dosent change the fact that light decreases expentionally and once the canopy thickins out(covering any unused space allowing light to reach floor) it plays no...