actually his first post directed at me sounded like a jerk....... i was just responding to his jerkeryness with my own.... He clearly said in his first sentence.... " you know nothing" and thats not sounding like a jerk?? your a jerk for butting in and saying i sound like a jerk when its more...
You dont neet a caregiver card....Hes got a recomidation and you have a rec so togeather you can grow twice as much......The only reason to get a caregiver card is if you yourself dont qaulity for a doctors rec. then you could get a caregivers card which would allow you to grow and access...
lol um seems you know nothing..... I didnt say ANYTHING about plants not needing UVB you dumb ass.....I said that MH dosent give off that much UVB then i went on to say that the very little UVB that comes out of a MH bulb will be further filterd by the glass in the air cooled hood..... So...
anyone who refers to someone punctuation and spelling in a debate is a peice of shit that cant back up there argument with logic so they have to defer to someones spelling ....thats weak sauce and weakminded.....If you cant beat him with logic and sense then you loose you dont get to cristize...
thats not really true people keep saying thats the only reason is cost......BULLSHIT..... i can afford any light i want im not bound by cost and alot of my grower friends have even more money then me and they all CHOOSE not to get LEDs NOT becuase of cost but because we dont like
dude you cant argue LEDs with LED growers you jus cant do it.....Its like debating religion with a religions person it dosent matter what you say religious person will always counter your debate with stuff like its "faith" you just have to have faith that all ..... just like you cant argue led...
i use a 1000w MH and it dosent burn anything in fact the plants love it.......The stocks are twice the size when i veg with a 1000w verse a 400w...... its not going to burn your plants if you use a bigger light
oh your right i read 3 you totally proved that everything i said is wrong by proving that i read 3 sentences and not 1...and your point is?? oh wait there is not point........
whats all these threads you speak of?? the only one i remeber is the 900 page one and i didnt even enter it tell after 800 pages and i only posted something because the guy who started its first sentece was " cant think of any reason not to use leds light......So i jumped in with a sarcastic...
guess just agree to disagree i dont think it would be a waste of money to have a good exhaust fan.... escpecialy if its only 30 bucks more then the crappy one...... but thats how i role in life if something is twice as good for very little extra im always goin to get the better product if its...
not really 30 more bucks isnt a good comparsion to buying a fararri...... we are talking 30 bucks thats like the defference between A/c and no A/c in a car not a Commuter to a fararri.....If i was telling him to buy the best ventaltion system money could buy then it would be like geting a...
only read the first sentence but im sure everything you said sounded dickish no doubt......... "no one thought it was funny"?? Why did i get a LIKE for that post that you say wasnt funny?? once again prove you wrong..... oh your dick head for sure
lets see you called me Asanine and ignorant then you refered to me as Troll..... LOL like hello ??????? thats not names?? like i said i let it die and you still had to jump in and be a f*cking dick.....I made a funny comment that was true you cant stand me and the sight of my avator pissess you...
get the booster fan then not trying to have anyone waste money i just think maybe he might want to upgrade to a Bigger grow sometime down the road ....if he plans to never upgrade to somethng bigger then yes just get the booster fan it will be fine for LEDS....... but still gotta like that 70...