ya i know that light decreases exponentailly...... First off your T5 is not going to penetrate down like a HID light will so right off if your growing anything taller then 2-3 feet you arent getting penetration....... second how come everyone i know and every single grow ive ever seen wether it...
and you are going to attack my job? that shows what kinda person you are....... thats like telling an machanic " oh you think you know someting about cars just becaues you work on them??" most places i take my care they fuck my car up so anyone who works at a car shop most not know...
yes i htink they are snobby i work in a hydro store and cannibas despensary and weather or not you like that i dont give a shit but that dosent change the fact that i talk to more growers in a day then you do all week on here and based on that yes i feel and so do the people i work with that led...
there you ago again assuming because i work in a hydro store that my point is less valid........ like i said BIAS and has nothing to do with the fact that my boss said he has LED grower freinds and he cant talk to them about led tech becuase they freak out..... that sentense has NOTHING to do...
further more corbat is way off when he attacted me for what i said about MH not giving off UVB....hes responce didnt even make sense to what i said......I was saying that MH dosent give off alot of UVB rays THAT WAS IT!! some how he turned that into it having to do with LEDS... my coment had...
im aggrassive with people who are aggrissive with me.....if post a valued point and you attack me solely becuae my name is footclan and you dont like me then you are bias and everything you say means nothing......If you hate me and still see someting i say t hat makes sense and agree then you...
each post was to a different reaponce........ and like i said if i wasnt attacked and diddnt see such stubborn ness then i wouldnt post such things......but i post as i see em....and its not just me .....Like i said earlyer i talk to growers all the time from my work at the club and the hydro...
i can afford i can afford a dozon of them but still dosent mean thats the only reason not to get them....just saying theres more to the problem then just cost.....i know i know im only a troll and nohting i say is true ......lol
no what you mean is footclan has been out numberd and picked on for simplying posting a view point that differs from your own.then when hes attacked hes fights back......this is what you really ment and this is why you must put me on ingore because you are too weak minded to debate me with logic...
every single LED thread will turn to what you just said and this is why...LED growers are the most snobby stubborn jerky people on the thread.... anyone coming in saying ANYTHING other then what they think they will attack them....this is the main reason i come in here is to prove my...
no actually i MEANT WHAT I SAID.....Just becaue you take plain english and think it means something else dosent mean it means something else like i said i CLEARLY said that Mh dosent give off alot of UVB rays and when you use a hood with glass you loose ALMOST all the UVB rays.......so how the...