Hi pops :) ... Just found this and thought it might help :)
Oh ...and welcome to RiU :)
any Coco growers use " Jiffy 7 Coco Pellets "?
Same thing but designed for Coco .
I have some but not got to the stage i need them yet , Just wondered if anyone had an opinion ....lol its seems this thread is njot short of em :)
/me takes a bow ... :)
I'm available for all types of bookings including. Club cabaret,. Christening parties, Birthday parties, Weddings! ...Childerns partys .... but no kinky stuff :)
lol this is some funny shit... OP ...I see your question as a theory question ..and i understand that part .... I see you have an incan that is stateing it falls within the spectrum range for growing ....Your actual question is Valid so far ..... Where it all falls apart is this ....Heat...
Been waiting for this ... how i managed to miss it this far i have no idea :)
Good Luck Riddle ... lets see how this all works out .... I'm looking forward to following this and picking up lots of tips and exploring lots of experiments along the way :)
Subbed ...Hook... Line ...sinker ... rod...
Day 36 The Transplant .
Hi Guys :)
Wow what a week , Sorry the updates are few and far between at this point, But i'm sure you guys know how it is :)
Lot's has happend in such a short space of time ... where do i start ?
Been Shopping to buy in the bits and bobs i still needed , Found an...
lol ..thanks for the laugh guys ... but daaaaayyyymmmn ! relax ...hehe , To the first guy " If you don't like answering dumb questions ... hit the X button at the top right and go for a walk :) " .... to the second guy " If you don't like people like the first guy ... Hit the X button...
Have a look for a TV show called " Plantzilla " On Nat-Geo ( Here is a preview ... http://natgeotv.com/uk/plantzilla/videos/preview )
Watch the experiments they do ...and then decide if its bullshit or just your uninformed opinion due to lack of willingness to accept that maybe...
If you leave tap water standing ina bucket or a jug the clorine evaporats overnight .
You can distill water yourself pretty easy
" You need a really big pan and a coffee cup and a zip lock bag. Put a little water in the pan and drop the cup in the middle of the pan in the water ... Place...
eheh :)
OP ...i know this might not be what you wanna hear ... But go a bit left of center ...and actualy be honest with the guy ? lol
I know plenty of sparkys ( Points to the one above this post ) that hit trees :) ....you never know .. he might end up being a future customer :P
If that...
Yeah ....i'm the weird bloke that lives up the road from you that never does out 0o :)
You tryed putting a 2 ltr bottle of frozen bottle next to your intake vent or infront of your fan ? .... might help .