If you really wanna get baked again...quit for a bit as mentioned. I went 6 months before I gave in and it was like the first time I tried it all over again. Fuck k2
LOL...that's crazy...I had this for a job interview and smoked up until the day of for a week...I passed. You can always buy the strap on if you're really worried.
In all honesty...PROMIX is dummy proof. You can't fuck it up. Tap water, DNF nutes, and no pH balancing necessary. When Dnf nutes are added to tap water it puts it right at 6.5...where it should be for soil/soiless. I have never known anyone who checks the runoff...no need IMO. Keep it...
The problem might be the ambient temp in the attic...you can't change that. Attics are meant to circulate air but often times aren't vented properly and therefore the temps can build. To cool it properly you would need to box the room with wood and install a portable AC. The other thing to...
First off...don't be intimidated. We all makes mistakes in order to learn what works for us. I'd say start by LST'ing and possibly a Screen of Green setup to get em nice and compact with multiple flower sites. You can look for a dresser on tha cheap which can be easily converted to house those...
Forget LEDs....and portable AC is the solution to heat. Do it once...do it right. Csufan97 spelled it out...if you wanna go all in try hydro, dwc, or aeroponics.
Mutant as mentioned...genetic fuckups like everywhere else in nature. You gotta weed out the bad the entire way. Don't get attached to a gimp because it will only lead to broken dreams.
I agree that the potential for fire is most likely gonna happen in the electrical department if any. I like the concrete board idea to curb the paranoia but the defender is a must IMO.
No worries...U can set it up a few ways but pulling through the filter is ideal. Duct the filter to your vented hood(optional) to centrifugal fan intake then exhaust on fan to exhaust port on tent/wall...done! If you aren't using a vented hood you can install the filter directly to the fan...
This mix works on a variety of critters... 1.5 L water, 4 eggs, hot ground pepper, ground garlic mixed thoroughly and applied around the perimeter /base. Fishing line tied at 2 and 4 feet around perimeter will work for deer.
After checking wit ma multiplication tables it seems U gotz 320 cubic footsies...4x8x10. U want to be able to vent the entire space within 3-5 minutes... a 400 will suffice but i like getting more than what is required and using a speed controller to dial it back. Its up to you..you can try...